Women and girls. Trichomonas vaginalis begins acutely with complaints of burning pain or itching and discharge bālgandzeltenīgiem wealth. By the time the complaint of subjective intensity decreases, creating the impression of recovery. Trichomonas vaginalis is often characterized by chronic outbreaks, which resembles acute inflammation. The most common inflammation of the vagina (colpitis), cervical mucosa (cervicitis), urethra (urethritis), small (vestibulitis) and large pubic lip mucosa (vulvitis). Uncommon inflamed cervical canal (endocervicitis) and the uterine lining (endometritis).
Men. TV urīnzvadkanāla into the mucosa, usually caused by subacute, slowly or chronic inflammations. Trihonomu-related complications are rarely observed.
Trichomonas Demystified: Symptoms, Treatment & Prevention
Trichomoniasis: A Comprehensive Guide to Symptoms and Trichomonas vaginalis
Trichomoniasis is a common sexually transmitted infection (STI) caused by a protozoan parasite called Trichomonas vaginalis. It primarily ...
Nimorazol (Nimorazole) Russian title: Nimorazol Latin name: Nimorazole Chemical name: 4 - [2 - (5-Nitro-1H-imidazol-1-yl) ethyl] morpholine ...
Introduction: Trichomonas vaginitis is a common sexually transmitted infection caused by Trichomonas vaginalis. This blog will delve into t...
One very common types of nonspecific vaginitis is bacterial vaginosis. This term appeared in the foreign medical literature in the mid 80...