Clinical manifestations of trichomoniasis are different in men and women.
The main symptoms of trichomoniasis in women:
1. Vaginal discharge yellow, green or gray, that part of the foaming, heavy with the odor. The number and nature of the discharge varies depending on the severity of the process. In chronic trichomoniasis may be a small amount of mucous secretion.
2. Itching in the genital area.
3. Discomfort and pain during sex.
4. Discomfort when urinating.
5. Redness of the vagina and vulva
6. Symptom strawberry cervical
7. Sometimes trichomoniasis may be abdominal pain.
Symptoms of trichomoniasis in men:
Most men are asymptomatic trichomoniasis (trihomonadonositelstvo). In some of the men developed trihomonadnyh urethritis. He is showing pain and burning sensation when urinating, can be unpleasant sensation after intercourse, discharge from the urethra. Trichomonas infections may be the cause of chronic prostatitis.
If any of these symptoms should be screened for sexually transmitted infections, including those for trichomoniasis.
Trichomonas Demystified: Symptoms, Treatment & Prevention
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