Learn all about the Trichomonas vaginalis

Urogenital Trichomonas vaginalis is a STD, which affects only a man. It almost always leads only to urinary tract inflammation in the distal part.


Pathogen Trichonoma vaginalis (TV) is a unicellular organism with eccentric nuclear location, moving to viciņu and undulējošas through the membrane. Krāsojās with methylene blue in blue, with the method of Gram-Gram-negative, with citoloģiskām methods (Romonovska-Gimzas, Leišmana) - differentiated. Cytoplasm krāsojas from blue to dark blue. Core-pink color. TV size is slightly larger than segmented neutrophils, their size is 5-30 x 2 - 5 m m. There are also more and more strong cells. TV size depends on the speed of reproduction and makrovides. Parasites tend to have different forms: classic, oval, roundish, pear-shaped and atypical-amēbveida.


Infection occurs primarily through sexual contact, but the TV retains the viability of wet excreta, sponges, water. Therefore, contamination can also occur in household contact.


TV, into the vaginal mucosa or urethra, begins to multiply, causing inflammation. TV spreads to the tissue penetrations amēbveidīgi. TV parazitēšanai acidic environment is favorable, which is glikogēns.

Incubation period. 3-4 days to 2-3 weeks.

The clinical picture

Women and girls. Trichomonas vaginalis begins acutely with complaints of burning pain or itching and discharge bālgandzeltenīgiem wealth. By the time the complaint of subjective intensity decreases, creating the impression of recovery. Trichomonas vaginalis is often characterized by chronic outbreaks, which resembles acute inflammation. The most common inflammation of the vagina (colpitis), cervical mucosa (cervicitis), urethra (urethritis), small (vestibulitis) and large pubic lip mucosa (vulvitis). Uncommon inflamed cervical canal (endocervicitis) and the uterine lining (endometritis).

Men. TV urīnzvadkanāla into the mucosa, usually caused by subacute, slowly or chronic inflammations. Trihonomu-related complications are rarely observed.


Material acquisition

Material taken from the urethra, cervix and vagina.

Bakterioskopiskās methods

Natīvā material. Uroģentitālā tract secretions from the wash into the physiological solution and immediately mikroskopē light microscope in a dark visual field. Possible phase kontrastmikriskopiju. Trihonomu diagnosis can also use first morning urine sediment. Natīvā material investigated very important for men because they are harder to find trihonomas than women.

Bacteriological method.

Recently, the diagnosis is rarely used because trihomonu growth is slow (2-week-1 month). Inoculation by the specialized standartbarotnēm.

Immunofluorescence test for the expensive-but they are to be used very rarely.

Differential diagnostics

Primarily by laboratory methods, differentiated from other sexually transmitted urogenital infections, as well as traumastiskiem and chemical injuries, allergic reactions, disbakteriozes, hipovitaminozes, intestinal parasites (threadworms)-induced inflammation, toksikodermijas, normal pemiga (pemphigus vulgaris).

Intimate question - fungus, is that trihonomas?

According to statistical data
75% of women with vaginal candidiasis ill for at least one reported many times in their lives.
40-50% of women's life is seen in two or more episodes of vaginal candidiasis.
Also, "Quarto" gynecologist Inguna Karklina indicates that a doctor visit, thrush is found in every third woman. Given that the thrush cause unpleasant feelings (the classic feel ing is itching (especially at night), dedzināša ing sensation, unpleasant discharge (no special smell, thick, white, biezpienveida), redness) and interferes with a valuable life (affects sexual relations, a discomfort and a sense of shame), they should treat as much attention as any other pro slimšanai. Doctors encourage women izvai mornings of self-medication, in some cases require additional investigation to determine whether the fungus has not added jusies any other disease. "Moreover, these spējamā problem perhaps is not thrush, but gardinellas or trihonomas with similar iz pausmes, but different treatment therapies," notes I. Karklina.

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