Why is it so difficult to cure chlamydia or trichhomonas?
Treated for chlamydia rather difficult. The reasons are many. one of them - this is what often happens is that as a result of research by her husband, for example identified chlamydia, and his wife - no. Often in the course of even a few tests. Then one conclusion - one partner is healthy, the other sick? On the basis of logical considerations, all the same conclusion suggests that chlamydia infected with both spouses. Still, should take into account the fact that chlamydia attributed to latent infection. Therefore, the detection of these microorganisms depends on how correctly the material was taken, how the immune system and hormone, which was filmed material, what are the methods of examination.
If you consistently treat the search for chlamydia, they will be identified. If you decide to proceed with the treatment of chlamydia, infections caused by chlamydia, should both partners be treated simultaneously. Should take into account the fact that chlamydia, in most cases, occurs in conjunction with other sexually transmitted diseases. Natural (innate) immunity to chlamydiae does not exist. Anyone to whom the organism Chlamydia hit, has a fairly high risk. Past medical history does not provide immunity - in short, pain can be any number of times.
Everything you've heard about ways to get infected with sexually transmitted diseases, is most directly related to chlamydia. The most similar - and symptoms, and ways of contamination, and the consequences of the absence of proper treatment - chlamydia and gonorrhea. Many of the leading specialists in sexually transmitted disease is: if you have symptoms of acute urethritis (frequent, painful urination) and not detected gonococcus (the causative agent of gonorrhea) - the probability of chlamydia of 70% and above. Gonococcus and chlamydia - very often live together, causing urethritis and other diseases of the urogenital sphere, even contamination often occurs simultaneously. What should I do to avoid infection with urogenital chlamydia? The best way - to exclude sexually active, but many it is regarded as unacceptable. But limiting the number of sexual partners, condom + - fairly reliable ways of prevention. What to do if sick: access to specialists, the number of drugs that Chlamydia can be successfully treated, fairly large.
One to get treatment - a waste of money. If you have a permanent sexual partner - together are treated together. Often diagnostic indicate the presence of chlamydia, but no clinical symptoms at this. None of the medical guidelines there is no clear answer to the question: what in this case? Research in hlamidioznoy infection actively going on, and the study of chlamydial infection included in the program priorities of the World Health Organization. Chances are, if you're not a monk (nun), treated all the same I need - no signs of illness for a particular person does not give grounds for to expose to risk infecting others.
Untreated urogenital chlamydia can cause some serious complications in both men and women, impotence in this case is rare, but often infertility. Chlamydia is not a tragedy, but a nuisance. From chlamydia do not die. Chlamydia can be cured. But to their health, and physician's recommendation should be treated respectfully - and the choice of antibiotic, and prescriptions for stimulating immunity, and duration of treatment, and prevention of recurrent infections - is not as easy as it may seem at first sight, but not so difficult to tear his hair and sad to say goodbye as with life in general, and with sexuality in particular.
Cautious to relate to joint trichomonas, chlamydial infection. Note the following: the newest and most effective antibiotics will not be able to cope with chlamydia, which are located within the trichomonads; initiating therapy treatment for chlamydia, makes sense only in the absence of trichomonads, if you have found a joint trichomonas, chlamydial infections, especially need to treat trichomoniasis; before you begin treatment of chlamydia, it is necessary precisely to make sure that you are not already infected trichomonads.
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