Trichomoniasis different variety of forms: from no symptoms to express symptoms. Trichomoniasis can be suspected on the basis of complaint, but an accurate diagnosis needs a medical examination and laboratory detection of Trichomonas in the material obtained from the patient.
Seen from the vagina (colposcopy) may be found redness of vaginal walls, and small hemorrhages on the cervix (a symptom of a strawberry / strawberry cervix or macular coleitis). Symptom strawberry cervix is characteristic for trichomoniasis, but it is found only a few percent of patients.
The main role in the diagnosis of trichomoniasis are laboratory methods for detection of Trichomonas in the material obtained from the patient.
To study in women taking material from the vagina, urethra, rectum. In men taking swabs from the urethra, informative study of urine supernatant.
There are several methods for detection of Trichomonas:
1. Microscopy of native preparations (smears from the patient immediately examined under a microscope, the sensitivity does not exceed 60%)
Microscopy of stained preparations (specimens were stained and examined under a microscope)
2. The culture method (the method is accurate, but requires a lot of time)
3. Immunological methods (the most important method for diagnosis using the labeled antibody to trichomonads)
4. PCR (sensitive and rapid method can detect the DNA of Trichomonas when other methods of diagnosis showed a negative result)
Each method has its advantages and disadvantages. The important thing is that no one method is not 100% guarantee detection of Trichomonas. Thus, if there are symptoms of trichomoniasis and Trichomonas are not found, it does not mean that trichomonads do not (they could simply not be found), in such cases must be repeated examinations by different methods.
Men trichomonads harder to detect than in women.
A week before the study should stop using protivotrihomonadnyh drugs before biopsy can not perform syringing.
Trichomonas Demystified: Symptoms, Treatment & Prevention
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