Before starting the treatment of trichomoniasis is important to understand the following points, without which treatment, even with modern drugs would be ineffective.
1. Treatment should be under any form of trichomoniasis, regardless of the presence of clinical symptoms.
2. Like any other sexually transmitted infections, trichomoniasis is a disease, at least two. Accordingly, survey and should be treated, and sexual partners. Otherwise, treatment will be ineffective (to be re-contaminated after treatment). Moreover, treatment of sexual partners can be recommended and when trichomonads they are not detected.
3. Immunity is not stable, so it is possible reinfestation after cure. If you hurt trichomoniasis and cured, then the second infected become ill again.
4. Trichomoniasis is often combined with other sexually transmitted infections, which also require treatment.
5. High adherence, adherence of drugs - a key factor in the successful treatment of trichomoniasis.
6. Never take pills without a prescription, do not follow the advice of friends, incorrect treatment is often worse than his absence.
7. All drugs used to treat trichomoniasis (except Ornidazole), alter utilization of alcohol in the body. They act as drug for treatment of alcoholism disulfiram (antabus, Teturi, esperal). What leads to the development antabuspodobnogo syndrome in combination with alcohol. Therefore consume alcohol (even in low doses), in the treatment of trichomoniasis is strictly prohibited.
8. All the drugs used to treat trichomoniasis, may adversely affect the fetus, so pregnant women should undergo treatment for the intended purpose only and under medical supervision.
What is trichomoniasis treated?
Trichomonas is not a bacterium, a protozoan. Therefore, the majority of antibiotics on Trichomonas does not apply. The basis of treatment - drugs of 5-nitroimidazole (this group is widely known metronidazole). In addition to metronidazole, there are more modern and effective drugs in this group (tinidazole, ornidazole, seknidazol, nimorazol, ternidazol). ornidazole has no effect on the exchange of alcohol and can be used to treat patients who can not give up alcohol during treatment. Cure of trichomoniasis may only pill inside. Only topical treatment with different ointments and suppositories hardly effective.
Trichomonas Demystified: Symptoms, Treatment & Prevention
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