Thursday, February 3, 2011

trichomoniasis Diagnosis

Diagnosis of trichomoniasis must be confirmed by finding agents with direct microscopy of the pathological material or in crops on artificial nutrient media. Serological methods because of the inconsistency of the results have not received the practical application, although there is evidence that enzyme-linked immunosorbent method (ELISA) were more prevalent protivotrihomonadnye antibodies in patients and convalescents trichomoniasis than the reaction of immunofluorescence and hemagglutination [Cogne et al., 1985].

No one method provides detection of Trichomonas in all cases, but cultural studies significantly increase the reliability of the diagnosis. So with the help of crops on the environment SKDS was further revealed 51.4% of patients with trichomoniasis (71.2% men and 43,1% women) compared with the results of microscopy of stained smears [Yatsuha MV et al, 1982]. The key to successful diagnosis are: a) a combination of different methods (microscopy of stained and native products and crops), and b) repetition tests, c) the taking of material from different foci of invasion (urethra, prostate and seminal vesicles in men, vagina, urethra, paraurethral ducts, ducts of Bartholin's glands in women) in combination with urine tests svezhevypuschennoy d) the correct technique of taking the material and transport to the lab and the exact observance of standardized laboratory methods (order of Ministry of Health of the USSR № 936 from 12.07.1985 was). Of course, experience and perseverance laboratory played an important role. 5-7 days before the capture material patients should not use protistotsidnye means any local procedures.

Men detect Trichomonas much harder than women, as they usually are in small numbers and often sedentary (amoeboid) forms. In addition, men trichomonads often spontaneously disappear. So, Lanceley (1953) found trichomonads in 48 hours after contact with a sick woman at 70% of men, and after 2 weeks - only 33%. And men and women study should be carried out repeatedly, as the periods when the parasites in the severed lot, interspersed with periods when they can not find or detect only a few instances [Bauer, 1959].

Trichomoniasis: A Comprehensive Guide to Symptoms and Trichomonas vaginalis

  Trichomoniasis is a common sexually transmitted infection (STI) caused by a protozoan parasite called Trichomonas vaginalis. It primarily ...