Thursday, February 3, 2011

trichomoniasis Treatment

Treatment should be carried out to both spouses (sexual partners), while even in the absence of trichomonads from one of them. During treatment and follow-up sexual activity is prohibited.Treatment to be as sick with inflammation and trihomonadonositeli.

In acute and subacute uncomplicated forms of trichomoniasis therapy is limited to the specific purpose of protivotrihomonadnyh inside. In the protracted, complicated and chronic cases, the total etiotropic complementary methods of treatment of nonspecific stimulation of the immune response and local treatment. When mixed infections protivotrihomonadnye drugs combined with appropriate antimicrobial agents.

Trichomoniasis in women

Women defeat urinary tract multifocal. According to 3. D. Starostin (1971), trichomonads were detected simultaneously in three foci in 48.8%, 2 - y 42,3%, in one - only in 8.9% of women. In 86% of women lesion is localized in the lower urinary tract (including a 98.9% develop vulvovaginitis), and bottom-up process is available to 14% [Turanova EN et al, 1971].

Vaginitis - the most common form of trichomoniasis. Trichomonads isolated from the vagina in almost all infected women [Rein, Muller, 1984]. In acute vaginitis appear abundant liquid, pus, often foamy whites, many authors ascribe the accompanying blowing bacteria. Sometimes the inflammation is expressed very strongly, and flatulence is very intense. This "emphysematous" coleitis also due trichomonads and cured protivotrihomonadnymi drugs [Wille, 1971]. If trichomonas vaginitis pH secretion greater than 4.5. Adding to belyam 10% solution of caustic potash accompanied by the smell of rotten fish (the smell of amines) in a mixed infection with bacteria (WHO, Geneva, 1984). Occasionally there are corrosive selection mixed with blood, diffuse hyperemia, a phenomenon makuleznogo, granulosa and erosive vaginitis. Chronic vaginitis often occurs without noticeable symptoms, but occasionally appear genital itching and discharge.

And vestibular vulvitis . In acute inflammation there burning sensation in the external genitalia, whites, and itching. The skin of the labia majora and the vestibule mucosa edematous, hyperemic and covered with secretions. In a groove between the hymen and the small labia stagnant pus, after the removal of which are sometimes visible minor erosion. Sometimes develops dermatitis inner thighs. In chronic process marked focal hyperemia of the mucous membrane of the vulva. Could be genital warts, the virus which is also sexually transmitted.

Urethritis . The urethra is infected, most patients trichomoniasis women, and urethritis in 1 / 3 of women even in the acute stage is subjectively asymptomatic, the rest are dysuric disorder.Trizomonadny chronic urethritis usually does not subjective sensations. The urethra is often palpable in the form of compacted strands; discharge scanty. At ureteroscopy reveals mild, transient or solid infiltrate mouth urethral glands hyperemic, edematous, with obstruction takes the form of yellowish nodules. Almost half of female patients Trichomonas can be detected in the paraurethral ducts [Wallin et al., 1981]. However, severe clinical presentation of Trichomonas parauretrita happens infrequently. In the chronic stage parauretrita palpated tight knots.

Bartolini is characterized by pain and the appearance of swelling in the lower third of the labia.Clinical manifestations are not different from gonorrheal bartolinitov. Trichomonazice bartolinity began to meet at least gonoreyny [Glazkov, LK et al, 1984]. When you close the mouth of the duct is formed false abscess. Common disorders are absent, the body temperature does not rise, there is pain in the Bartholin gland.

Endocervicitis . If trichomonas vaginitis naturally drawn into the outer part of the cervix. About the frequency of trihomonadnyh cervicitis there are conflicting opinions. So, Rein, Muller (1984) argue that the trichomonads from the cervical canal is isolated in no more than 13% of women, and A. Tsvetkov, G. Hristeva (1985) found them in the cervical canal at 51.64% of patients. When endocervicitis cervix swollen, there are sites of hyperemia. Derived from the channel selection. The result is erosion, often in the back of the throat. In chronic follicular endocervicitis erosion.Opportunity for upward trichomonas infection. G. A, Resurrection, YO Naftoleva (1974) when using the aspiration technique found trichomonads in the uterine cavity in 10.2% of the patients.Ascendant trichomoniasis clinically in 46% of patients metroendometritom, 54% of patients and adnexitises perimetritom. During these diseases does not differ from the flow of similar processes of another etiology.

Trichomoniasis in Men: Transmission, Symptoms, and Complications

Trichomoniasis, caused by the parasite Trichomonas vaginalis, can lead to urethritis in men. The infection is mainly transmitted through sexual intercourse, with asymptomatic men often becoming sources of infection. Additionally, indirect transmission can occur through contaminated items and public facilities.

Urethritis and Its Symptoms: Urethritis can occur acutely, subacutely, or with mild symptoms after sexual intercourse. However, some cases remain asymptomatic, detected only through microscopy. Chronic trichomonas urethritis may lead to periodic relapses and last for years.

Inflammation and Spread: Trichomonads can spread from the urethra to other parts of the urogenital tract, causing complications such as prostatitis, epididymitis, and vesiculitis.

Prostatitis and Epididymitis: Prostatitis can develop as a chronic inflammation, often asymptomatic, leading to occasional urethral inflammation. Epididymitis, on the other hand, may be acute or subacute, with moderate to severe pain.

Other Complications: Trichomonas can cause urethral stricture, cystitis (more common in women), and genital lesions, resembling syphilis or pyoderma.

Sexual Disorders and Fertility: Approximately 5% of trichomoniasis patients experience sexual disorders, primarily associated with chronic prostate inflammation. Prostatitis and epididymitis may lead to fertility issues.

Conclusion: Trichomoniasis in men can have various manifestations, ranging from asymptomatic to mild or severe symptoms. Seeking early medical attention and practicing safe sex are vital to prevent complications and the spread of the infection.

trichomoniasis Diagnosis

Diagnosis of trichomoniasis must be confirmed by finding agents with direct microscopy of the pathological material or in crops on artificial nutrient media. Serological methods because of the inconsistency of the results have not received the practical application, although there is evidence that enzyme-linked immunosorbent method (ELISA) were more prevalent protivotrihomonadnye antibodies in patients and convalescents trichomoniasis than the reaction of immunofluorescence and hemagglutination [Cogne et al., 1985].

No one method provides detection of Trichomonas in all cases, but cultural studies significantly increase the reliability of the diagnosis. So with the help of crops on the environment SKDS was further revealed 51.4% of patients with trichomoniasis (71.2% men and 43,1% women) compared with the results of microscopy of stained smears [Yatsuha MV et al, 1982]. The key to successful diagnosis are: a) a combination of different methods (microscopy of stained and native products and crops), and b) repetition tests, c) the taking of material from different foci of invasion (urethra, prostate and seminal vesicles in men, vagina, urethra, paraurethral ducts, ducts of Bartholin's glands in women) in combination with urine tests svezhevypuschennoy d) the correct technique of taking the material and transport to the lab and the exact observance of standardized laboratory methods (order of Ministry of Health of the USSR № 936 from 12.07.1985 was). Of course, experience and perseverance laboratory played an important role. 5-7 days before the capture material patients should not use protistotsidnye means any local procedures.

Men detect Trichomonas much harder than women, as they usually are in small numbers and often sedentary (amoeboid) forms. In addition, men trichomonads often spontaneously disappear. So, Lanceley (1953) found trichomonads in 48 hours after contact with a sick woman at 70% of men, and after 2 weeks - only 33%. And men and women study should be carried out repeatedly, as the periods when the parasites in the severed lot, interspersed with periods when they can not find or detect only a few instances [Bauer, 1959].

trichomoniasis Pathogenesis

In contrast to gonococci, affecting mainly cylindrical epithelium, Trichomonas damage only squamous epithelium (WHO, Geneva, 1984). Men Trichomonas spread urethral mucosa, penetrate into her breast and the gaps. Because of the frequency of invasion of prostate trichomonads Crowiey (1964) proposed to call them Tr. prostatialis, but trichomonads do not usually cause clinical symptoms of prostatitis. Such asymptomatic carriers of trichomonas in the prostate gland GA Resurrection (1969) found in 27.8% of the examinees, D. Tsvetkov, PLN. Peycheva (1981) - in 29,6%. However, in men the main habitat of trichomonads is the urethra, and for women - the vagina, where the most frequently detected parasites [Turanova EN et al, 1971]. A. Tsvetkov, H. Christ (1985) emphasize that none of the women they surveyed did not have an isolated lesion trichomonads urethra, which indicates that its secondary infection from the vagina. Occasionally Trichomonas in women being introduced into the bladder, uterus. From the cervical canal trichomonads isolated no more than 13% of cases [Rein, Muller, 1984]. The bottom-up process developed in 14-19% of patients with trichomoniasis women [Resurrection GA Naftoleva YO, 1974].In some cases, trichomonads were inoculated from remote fallopian tubes and piosalpinksa [Jirovec et al., 1958; Sebek, 1972].

The pathogenesis of trichomonads cell damage is unclear, but found that it occurs only in direct contact with the parasite host cell. Toxin trichomonads do not form. Killed cultures of trichomonads do not cause an inflammatory reaction at the inoculation into the urethra [Lanceley, McEntegart, 1953].

In the urogenital trichomonads that are more or less pronounced inflammation, but often their presence is not accompanied by any symptoms (asymptomatic infection). Sometimes the parasites in the genitals, especially in men, killed immediately or after a short time (transient carriage). The reasons for a carrier is not installed. Possibly play a role here are some random things: mechanical removal of the urine had not managed to be fixed to the epithelial cells of trichomonads, the presence of chemicals or metabolites that inhibit parasites, etc. It is not excluded and the immune immunity in individuals.

The patients had been ill and trichomoniasis formation of various serum and secretory antibodies, but they are not able to provide the immune system and prevent re-infection. "Low levels of immune response typical of this disease, most likely due to the nature of the interaction of the parasite with the host, as in this case there is no invasion of tissue or release of toxic or antigenic products" (WHO, Geneva, 1984).

The clinical picture of trichomoniasis depends on the virulence of the pathogen, and the reactivity of the human body. As with gonorrhea, distinguish recent disease with acute, subacute and torpid (oligosymptomatic) over, chronic trichomoniasis (with disease duration more than 2 months) and asymptomatic trichomoniasis.

The latent period for infection of men with pure cultures of Trichomonas in the urethra was 6-9 days [Lanceley, McEntegart, 1953]. According to clinical observations, the duration of incubation in both men and women ranging from 3 days to 3-4 weeks, averaging 10-14 days [Baksheev NS, Padchenko IK, 1971, Semenov PP, Semenov . VP, 1972, Ilyin I., 1983]. Sometimes reported an unusually long incubation period. Apparently, in such cases it is more of an aggravation malosimptomno process influenced by various endogenous and exogenous factors. For example, it is known that menstruation and pregnancy often cause severe outbreak of trichomoniasis.Aggravation torpid urethritis in men may be due to sexual excesses or irritating effects of alcohol.

Trichomoniasis: A Comprehensive Guide to Symptoms and Trichomonas vaginalis

  Trichomoniasis is a common sexually transmitted infection (STI) caused by a protozoan parasite called Trichomonas vaginalis. It primarily ...