Latin.: Trichomonas
protozoa type vicaiņu class parasites. People. organism parasitize TRIHOMONAS three species: the vagina, bowel and mouth TRIHOMONAS. They are oval nucleus located in front of the body where the mouth opening - citostoms.Pa body longitudinal axis extending in the body skeletveidojums - aksostils. TRIHOMONAS moving with vicām. Vaginal TRIHOMONAS (T. vaginal) is the largest (7-27 um) from the people. body parazitējošajām TRIHOMONAS. Parasitize people. sex organs and cause disease trihomonozi; spreads mostly. sexual intercourse. The external environment, it dies. TRIHOMONAS found in the vaginal and urethral mucosa. Intestinal TRIHOMONAS (T. hominis) is similar to vaginal TRIHOMONAS, has a length of 5-15 um. Intestinal TRIHOMONAS common in healthy people. large intestine and are considered to be non-pathogenic, but there are cases where it causes inflammation of the intestine. Usually found in the intestinal TRIHOMONAS liquid stool. Mouth TRIHOMONAS (T. elongates) in length from 5 to 12 um. This TRIHOMONAS more often found in people who have dental caries. Sometimes it can be found in the nasal mucosa, the tonsils and lungs. It is possible that it may affect the pathological. processes of the respiratory organs.
Trichomonas Demystified: Symptoms, Treatment & Prevention
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Trichomoniasis: A Comprehensive Guide to Symptoms and Trichomonas vaginalis
Trichomoniasis is a common sexually transmitted infection (STI) caused by a protozoan parasite called Trichomonas vaginalis. It primarily ...
Trichomoniasis different variety of forms: from no symptoms to express symptoms. Trichomoniasis can be suspected on the basis of complaint, ...
Inspection items: gynecological examination, leucorrhea routine 1. The easiest way to check vaginal secretions is the saline drop method...
Nimorazol (Nimorazole) Russian title: Nimorazol Latin name: Nimorazole Chemical name: 4 - [2 - (5-Nitro-1H-imidazol-1-yl) ethyl] morpholine ...