genital and urinary disease infestation, which suggests tiihomona vagina (vaginal trichomonas).
The infection occurs mostly. sexual. Ekstragenitālā inf.cēšanās rare, so TRIHOMONOZE taken regarded as venereal disease. Men fall sick less often than women. Primary inf. entering the place of women in the body is the vagina, the man - urethra. From the primary containment foci initiating women most often get into the urethra of men - prostate and seeds vesicles, suggesting there inflammation. Sick complain of a burning sensation and itching of external genitalia, yellow excretions.
Trihomonas can get into the urinary bladder, ureter, kidney and cause inflammation of the organ. Then join frequent, painful urination. Often TRIHOMONOZE, especially men, may proceed with only minor symptoms or completely free of them. That nediagnoscēta and untreated TRIHOMONOZE promotes the spread of disease and sexual partner's re inf.cēšanos.
Treatment. If one partner is suffering from TRIHOMONOZE necessarily should be treated to another, even if trihomonas not found. Treatment during sexual denied. Treatment should continue until the parasite completely destroyed (it can only be determined by your doctor for genital and urinary excretion of laboratory investigations).
Prevention. Comply with personal hygiene. Should avoid casual sexual intercourse. If a sick child should be investigated, all nationals and persons who have been in contact with.
Trichomonas Demystified: Symptoms, Treatment & Prevention
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Trichomoniasis: A Comprehensive Guide to Symptoms and Trichomonas vaginalis
Trichomoniasis is a common sexually transmitted infection (STI) caused by a protozoan parasite called Trichomonas vaginalis. It primarily ...
Trichomoniasis different variety of forms: from no symptoms to express symptoms. Trichomoniasis can be suspected on the basis of complaint, ...
Inspection items: gynecological examination, leucorrhea routine 1. The easiest way to check vaginal secretions is the saline drop method...
Nimorazol (Nimorazole) Russian title: Nimorazol Latin name: Nimorazole Chemical name: 4 - [2 - (5-Nitro-1H-imidazol-1-yl) ethyl] morpholine ...