There are two types of herpes simplex virus (HSV). HSV-1 affects mainly the skin and mucous membranes of the lips, nose and eyes HSV-2 virus causes genital lesions. Sometimes, however, may develop genital herpes under the influence of HSV-1 or the cause of the disease are just two types of herpes virus. Genital herpes is sexually transmitted, and the source of infection can not only be clearly sick, but also carriers of the virus. It is important to bear in mind the possibility of contracting herpes through oral sex while often become infected with herpes virus of the first type, ie, that which causes damage to mucous membranes of the lips and nose.
Household transmission of herpes is very rare, the main reservoir of infection in men is the urogenital tract in women - cervical canal.
Risk factors of herpes infection include promiscuity, a large number of sexual partners, low standard of living.
As a rule, every second patient with genital herpes or not married, or has no permanent friend.
I had one such patient was 17 years old, who applied for assistance after each new love affair, because she was deepening genital herpes. The sexual partner she has changed about once every 3 months, and once they were just three. After my thirsty patient was married and has found peace, outbreaks of herpes virtually ceased.
Increased risk genital herpes are teenagers, early sexual activity. By the way, parents' guidance on the usefulness of condoms may be much more effective than a ban on intimate meetings with the girls. Although, of course, the moral and behavioral aspect still primary.
Genital herpes refers to life existing in the organism infections. All known medical treatments are not able to destroy the virus, but merely transferred from an acute disease state to a state of asymptomatic carrier state. In other words, under the influence of drugs, our rasshumevshiysya "lodger" calming, pushed into the cage, where he resides in more or less quiet state before the next attack.
Symptoms of herpes: clinical genital herpes is diverse and depends largely on the state of immunity at the time of acute clinical picture.
The first symptoms of herpes appear within five to seven days after infection. Local manifestations observed in the field of the vulva, vagina, cervix, often in the skin of the perineum. The characteristic is the appearance on the background of redness and swelling of the skin and mucous membrane of small vesicles containing a liquid. Sometimes blisters may merge, occupying an area up to 2-3 cm eruptions of bubbles accompanied by pain and burning sensation in the affected area, women sometimes complain of a dragging pain in the lower abdomen and lower back, burning during urination, malaise, headache, slight fever (up to 37,2-37,4 degrees). May increase the inguinal lymph nodes. After opening the bubbles on their site erosion formed irregularly shaped, covered with yellowish coating, which dries to form scabs. Scars after healing of erosions remains. If you join a secondary bacterial infection suppurate content of bubbles, the patient's general condition is deteriorating, there is high fever, chills, debilitated patients may occur dissemination process and the accession of viral encephalitis and meningitis. Fortunately, such severe manifestations of herpes doctors see not so often, mainly in patients with HIV infection.
One such patient I've seen in the Botkin Hospital in the department of HIV-infected. Female 25 years old, drug addict, was admitted to hospital for Botkin "emergency" with signs of acute meningoencephalitis. A few days prior to the onset of symptoms of this terrible disease in patients showing signs of genital herpes. The woman led asocial life, lived in a sort of den, was extremely exhausted. When studying the blood had been diagnosed with HIV, which was the background and developed meningoencephalitis. Unfortunately, to save the woman failed.
The frequency of exacerbations of HSV infection depends on the state of the immune system, lifestyle, nutrition, etc. Sometimes it can take years in remission and exacerbation may occur, for example, by changing climate, or after severe stress, but it happens that, unable to finish, herpes flares up again and again, bringing the patient to complete nervous exhaustion. This occurs primarily in debilitated patients, those living in adverse social conditions, often exposed to stress, impaired metabolism.
Treatment of genital herpes is mainly during the exacerbation of the process. Are allocated to specific antiviral drugs, which are used for special circuits. At the same time apply the ointment antiviral action for the application to affected skin and mucous membranes, and the best result is achieved by using drugs in the first 24 hours of onset.
At the present time to treat herpes and prevention of exacerbations used immunomodulators, which helps the body to produce their own antiviral drug - interferon.
Used and such drug, as viferon, which is produced in the form of rectal suppositories and allows replenish its own interferon expended by the body to fight the virus.
Along with specific antiviral drugs required the appointment of vitamins B and C, antiallergic agents, are sometimes effective to use antiherpetic vaccine. In the period of remission recommended various measures to strengthen the immune system.
So, peace with our pernicious "tenant" is temporarily restored, even more so we can speak about a truce, but now a new problem arose - the woman decided to have a baby. How to behave herpes in this situation, not cause he treacherous blow? Because immunity declines during pregnancy, and where thin, there is breaking. Speaking of which, I recall an incident with a pregnant woman, which was observed in our antenatal clinic.
A pregnant woman is 32 years old, call her Kate, got registered for pregnancy gestation of 10 weeks. Before pregnancy Katya was sick a few times with genital herpes, who was with her in the chronic form of 25 years, but the recent aggravation was 3 years ago and the doctor she no longer appealed. During the examination the patient complained of severe fatigue, weakness, aching pain in the lower abdomen and lower back. Kate has worked in a large private firm, she had to travel a lot, and take sick leave, she flatly refused. Kate received treatment aimed at the continuation of the pregnancy, restorative therapy, her condition improved, but the threat of abortion persisted. Despite our entreaties, Kate continued to work. At 14 weeks gestation was made of fetal ultrasound, which showed no abnormality. Soon after Kate went on a long trip to the Far North. During the trip had several times to change the time zone, in addition, business negotiations were very difficult, important for the fate of Katina company deals hung in the balance, and she had a lot of work to cope with the situation. Nerves have been spent a lot, and Katya felt quite knackered, but still damned cold sores, which "slept" for many years, suddenly "looked up" and blossomed on his lips and nose. When a pregnant woman came to the reception she received treatment, admissible in pregnancy, and the phenomenon of herpes gradually passed. Gestational age was about 20 weeks, but I was worried that her stomach Katya match a period not exceeding 17 weeks and grew very little, moreover, remained stubbornly signs of threatened miscarriage. To clarify the diagnosis Katya was sent for consultation in the Medical Genetics Center, where she was carried ultrasound on the most modern equipment. The result was disappointing: the fruit of a sharp fall behind in weight, in addition, he revealed multiple malformations that are incompatible with life. I had to terminate a pregnancy for medical reasons. At autopsy it was found that the cause of severe injuries of the internal organs of the fetus served as the herpes virus, which infected fetus in utero from mothers at the time of exacerbation.
Was it possible to avoid this tragic outcome? Yes, if Kate complied normal for a pregnant woman mode, do not overdo it, avoiding the stress, then it's likely that the immune system is not given to such a serious setback and would not allow the herpes do their dirty deed. In addition, knowing about the existence of chronic forms of herpes, it would be better before the onset of pregnancy to undergo a course of treatment aimed at improving the immunity.
Fortunately, this story had all the same happy ending. Before the onset of the next pregnancy Katya had a course of therapy and immunomodulatory birth to a healthy daughter. But her husband insisted that being in business were less intense, it is reasonable considering that all the money still does.
Therefore the main task facing the future mother - this is maintaining a high level of immune defense, and it needs to eat well and lead a healthy lifestyle. In the presence of acute manifestations of HSV infection better refrain from pregnancy to the onset of remissions, and a course of immunomodulating therapy, and bracing.
I am sure that many women who read these lines now, thought: "That's because how dreadful! What are we, the poor, do? Quite and private lives have ended, and then such passions narasskazyvali, now a man, and go scary! "
Terms of prevention of genital herpes
Do not despair! In fact, we can always protect themselves against various infectious afflictions. For this you need to follow some quite acceptable, the rules:
• have regular sexual partner;
• in the case where this can not always (!) To use a condom. It is better to use high quality, albeit expensive condoms, such as firm Dyureks "or" Imotek "- remember that the avaricious pays twice;
• Do not hesitate to demand a remedy from a random friend, if he objects to - better give up the dubious pleasure;
• if the random connection held, use an antiseptic for intimate use.
You can also use farmateks - Barrier drug in the form of candles, beads or cream, which, in addition to its contraceptive effect, and has antiseptic properties, it can be effective even against HIV infection.
In general, all the useful advice in this case can be reduced to the long-known phrase: "Beware of random connections!"
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