These infections are known from ancient times and describes the physicians of ancient Greece called warts. Named them as genital warts. In the late 60-ies of XIX century of genital warts were identified viruses, which are currently divided into several strains (subspecies).
Transmission papillomovirusnyh infections (PVI) is mainly sexually transmitted, but not eliminated and domestic route of infection, with very close household contact. More often suffer from the young woman, living an active sex life.
Symptoms papillomavirus: the incubation period for papillomovirusnom infection ranges from 1 to 9 months, averaging 3 months. A typical manifestation of the AAH are genital warts, which are located on the external genitals or in the vagina and cervix uteri. They represent the formation of pale-pink color on a short stem. Their sizes can vary from a pinhead to match head at the confluence of warts form a bizarre growths in the form of cauliflower, berries, raspberries, cock ridge. While lying on the vaginal mucosa or cervical warts will paint a bright red. Number of warts can vary: from one that is not always easy to distinguish when viewed up multiple, which form large areas of destruction, and even extended to the inguinal region and mezhyagodichnyh folds.
In the initial stage of the disease patients may not complain and did not notice the presence of warts, but with the increase of the number of patients may receive the itching and burning in the area of external genitalia. If warts occupy large area, while walking, they come in contact with one another and injured (matseriruyutsya), thus there are allocation with an unpleasant smell. Strong proliferation of warts on the vulva cause problems in sexual life, hurting the psyche of patients.
I recall an incident that was watching a very long time, even during the passage of post-practice in the gynecological department of a small rural hospitals. The Office received a young woman who almost could not move: the entire perineal region, including the inguinal folds, and anus, was covered with "jungle" of genital warts, which stink and cause severe pain when walking. Removal of warts was performed in several stages, under general anesthesia, because after the intervention in place remote warts formed extensive wound surface, which have long healed. The source of infection in this case was the spouse unhappy woman, who does not even suspect that on his glans penis "live" a couple of small genital warts.
Diagnosis of genital warts does not present much difficulty, but we must remember is that sometimes they can be confused with a wide condylomas, which are a manifestation of secondary syphilis. So when it detects condylomatosis vulva, vagina or cervix should be examined in more detail a woman, to eliminate syphilis.
Treatment of genital warts is carried out by various methods. We use such drugs, which are applied to the surface of warts, while going to gangrene (necrosis) and removal of the damaged surface. Used a modern method of treatment, as cryodestruction warts, their removal by laser, and electrocoagulation warts.
Before removing warts prescribed antiviral creams containing interferon, such as ointment viferon. In my experience, there were several cases when after using this ointment warts disappeared completely, without requiring more serious intervention. Along with local treatment can be used herbal immunomodulators, relating to a group of biological additives, such as Echinacea, Cat's Claw and others, provided that your doctor knows these groups of drugs.
Risk oncogenic papillomavirus. Speaking of the problem papillomovirusnyh infections, can not stop on a very important point. The fact is that in recent years established a high oncogenic potential of PVI, ie with 100% certainty it is proved that the cause of almost all malignant tumors of the cervix is papillomovirusnaya infection. This is by no means all women suffering from PVI, but the risk of cervical cancer in chronic carriers of papillomavirus above hundreds of times.
The diagnosis of chronic infection is put in, if re-analysis conducted at intervals of several months, reveal the presence of the same type of papillomavirus. Therefore, in the presence of PVI is particularly important to determine what kind of present papillomavirus - high or low tumorigenicity.
When detected by special tests of the patient 'high papillomavirus oncogenic activity of women being antiviral treatment, appointed the means, strengthen immunity, in addition, it includes a group of dispensary observation and every 3-6 months is examined by a gynecologist, during which the extracted strokes with cervical atypical cells and performed a colposcopy (examination of the cervix under a microscope). If necessary, the patient is sent for consultation to Oncogynecology for a more thorough examination. In a similar observation woman needs for life.
In his student years, when I took a course of study at the Department of sexually transmitted diseases, the teacher told our group of remarkable history. In a medical research centers, which treated patients with cancer, worked the old watchman. Years he was about 65, but despite his advanced age, interest in the female sex old man has not lost, but here's the problem - all of his marriages were short-lived. The first wife of the guard stayed with him for 4 years and died of cervical cancer, the second - 3 years and then died from the same disease. The same fate befell the old third wife, after which it firmly stuck the nickname "Blue Beard" and want to marry him, no longer found, although his grandfather was a quiet, non-drinker and very economic. What is happening interested oncologists working at the institute, and began to inspect the guard. It turns out that apparently completely healthy grandfather was a native papillomavirus, which has high oncogenic activity. On entry into another marriage old man infected with a new wife, which leads to sad consequences. The situation is aggravated that old wives were aging while the immunity they had, of course, reduced. So in this case poor women pay for the sins of his youth his respected spouse.
Trichomonas Demystified: Symptoms, Treatment & Prevention
Friday, June 25, 2010
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