Friday, June 25, 2010

trich infection

These infections are known from ancient times and describes the physicians of ancient Greece called warts. Named them as genital warts. In the late 60-ies of XIX century of genital warts were identified viruses, which are currently divided into several strains (subspecies).
Transmission papillomovirusnyh infections (PVI) is mainly sexually transmitted, but not eliminated and domestic route of infection, with very close household contact. More often suffer from the young woman, living an active sex life.
Symptoms papillomavirus: the incubation period for papillomovirusnom infection ranges from 1 to 9 months, averaging 3 months. A typical manifestation of the AAH are genital warts, which are located on the external genitals or in the vagina and cervix uteri. They represent the formation of pale-pink color on a short stem. Their sizes can vary from a pinhead to match head at the confluence of warts form a bizarre growths in the form of cauliflower, berries, raspberries, cock ridge. While lying on the vaginal mucosa or cervical warts will paint a bright red. Number of warts can vary: from one that is not always easy to distinguish when viewed up multiple, which form large areas of destruction, and even extended to the inguinal region and mezhyagodichnyh folds.
In the initial stage of the disease patients may not complain and did not notice the presence of warts, but with the increase of the number of patients may receive the itching and burning in the area of external genitalia. If warts occupy large area, while walking, they come in contact with one another and injured (matseriruyutsya), thus there are allocation with an unpleasant smell. Strong proliferation of warts on the vulva cause problems in sexual life, hurting the psyche of patients.
I recall an incident that was watching a very long time, even during the passage of post-practice in the gynecological department of a small rural hospitals. The Office received a young woman who almost could not move: the entire perineal region, including the inguinal folds, and anus, was covered with "jungle" of genital warts, which stink and cause severe pain when walking. Removal of warts was performed in several stages, under general anesthesia, because after the intervention in place remote warts formed extensive wound surface, which have long healed. The source of infection in this case was the spouse unhappy woman, who does not even suspect that on his glans penis "live" a couple of small genital warts.
Diagnosis of genital warts does not present much difficulty, but we must remember is that sometimes they can be confused with a wide condylomas, which are a manifestation of secondary syphilis. So when it detects condylomatosis vulva, vagina or cervix should be examined in more detail a woman, to eliminate syphilis.
Treatment of genital warts is carried out by various methods. We use such drugs, which are applied to the surface of warts, while going to gangrene (necrosis) and removal of the damaged surface. Used a modern method of treatment, as cryodestruction warts, their removal by laser, and electrocoagulation warts.
Before removing warts prescribed antiviral creams containing interferon, such as ointment viferon. In my experience, there were several cases when after using this ointment warts disappeared completely, without requiring more serious intervention. Along with local treatment can be used herbal immunomodulators, relating to a group of biological additives, such as Echinacea, Cat's Claw and others, provided that your doctor knows these groups of drugs.
Risk oncogenic papillomavirus. Speaking of the problem papillomovirusnyh infections, can not stop on a very important point. The fact is that in recent years established a high oncogenic potential of PVI, ie with 100% certainty it is proved that the cause of almost all malignant tumors of the cervix is papillomovirusnaya infection. This is by no means all women suffering from PVI, but the risk of cervical cancer in chronic carriers of papillomavirus above hundreds of times.
The diagnosis of chronic infection is put in, if re-analysis conducted at intervals of several months, reveal the presence of the same type of papillomavirus. Therefore, in the presence of PVI is particularly important to determine what kind of present papillomavirus - high or low tumorigenicity.
When detected by special tests of the patient 'high papillomavirus oncogenic activity of women being antiviral treatment, appointed the means, strengthen immunity, in addition, it includes a group of dispensary observation and every 3-6 months is examined by a gynecologist, during which the extracted strokes with cervical atypical cells and performed a colposcopy (examination of the cervix under a microscope). If necessary, the patient is sent for consultation to Oncogynecology for a more thorough examination. In a similar observation woman needs for life.
In his student years, when I took a course of study at the Department of sexually transmitted diseases, the teacher told our group of remarkable history. In a medical research centers, which treated patients with cancer, worked the old watchman. Years he was about 65, but despite his advanced age, interest in the female sex old man has not lost, but here's the problem - all of his marriages were short-lived. The first wife of the guard stayed with him for 4 years and died of cervical cancer, the second - 3 years and then died from the same disease. The same fate befell the old third wife, after which it firmly stuck the nickname "Blue Beard" and want to marry him, no longer found, although his grandfather was a quiet, non-drinker and very economic. What is happening interested oncologists working at the institute, and began to inspect the guard. It turns out that apparently completely healthy grandfather was a native papillomavirus, which has high oncogenic activity. On entry into another marriage old man infected with a new wife, which leads to sad consequences. The situation is aggravated that old wives were aging while the immunity they had, of course, reduced. So in this case poor women pay for the sins of his youth his respected spouse.


There are two types of herpes simplex virus (HSV). HSV-1 affects mainly the skin and mucous membranes of the lips, nose and eyes HSV-2 virus causes genital lesions. Sometimes, however, may develop genital herpes under the influence of HSV-1 or the cause of the disease are just two types of herpes virus. Genital herpes is sexually transmitted, and the source of infection can not only be clearly sick, but also carriers of the virus. It is important to bear in mind the possibility of contracting herpes through oral sex while often become infected with herpes virus of the first type, ie, that which causes damage to mucous membranes of the lips and nose.
Household transmission of herpes is very rare, the main reservoir of infection in men is the urogenital tract in women - cervical canal.
Risk factors of herpes infection include promiscuity, a large number of sexual partners, low standard of living.
As a rule, every second patient with genital herpes or not married, or has no permanent friend.
I had one such patient was 17 years old, who applied for assistance after each new love affair, because she was deepening genital herpes. The sexual partner she has changed about once every 3 months, and once they were just three. After my thirsty patient was married and has found peace, outbreaks of herpes virtually ceased.
Increased risk genital herpes are teenagers, early sexual activity. By the way, parents' guidance on the usefulness of condoms may be much more effective than a ban on intimate meetings with the girls. Although, of course, the moral and behavioral aspect still primary.
Genital herpes refers to life existing in the organism infections. All known medical treatments are not able to destroy the virus, but merely transferred from an acute disease state to a state of asymptomatic carrier state. In other words, under the influence of drugs, our rasshumevshiysya "lodger" calming, pushed into the cage, where he resides in more or less quiet state before the next attack.
Symptoms of herpes: clinical genital herpes is diverse and depends largely on the state of immunity at the time of acute clinical picture.
The first symptoms of herpes appear within five to seven days after infection. Local manifestations observed in the field of the vulva, vagina, cervix, often in the skin of the perineum. The characteristic is the appearance on the background of redness and swelling of the skin and mucous membrane of small vesicles containing a liquid. Sometimes blisters may merge, occupying an area up to 2-3 cm eruptions of bubbles accompanied by pain and burning sensation in the affected area, women sometimes complain of a dragging pain in the lower abdomen and lower back, burning during urination, malaise, headache, slight fever (up to 37,2-37,4 degrees). May increase the inguinal lymph nodes. After opening the bubbles on their site erosion formed irregularly shaped, covered with yellowish coating, which dries to form scabs. Scars after healing of erosions remains. If you join a secondary bacterial infection suppurate content of bubbles, the patient's general condition is deteriorating, there is high fever, chills, debilitated patients may occur dissemination process and the accession of viral encephalitis and meningitis. Fortunately, such severe manifestations of herpes doctors see not so often, mainly in patients with HIV infection.
One such patient I've seen in the Botkin Hospital in the department of HIV-infected. Female 25 years old, drug addict, was admitted to hospital for Botkin "emergency" with signs of acute meningoencephalitis. A few days prior to the onset of symptoms of this terrible disease in patients showing signs of genital herpes. The woman led asocial life, lived in a sort of den, was extremely exhausted. When studying the blood had been diagnosed with HIV, which was the background and developed meningoencephalitis. Unfortunately, to save the woman failed.
The frequency of exacerbations of HSV infection depends on the state of the immune system, lifestyle, nutrition, etc. Sometimes it can take years in remission and exacerbation may occur, for example, by changing climate, or after severe stress, but it happens that, unable to finish, herpes flares up again and again, bringing the patient to complete nervous exhaustion. This occurs primarily in debilitated patients, those living in adverse social conditions, often exposed to stress, impaired metabolism.
Treatment of genital herpes is mainly during the exacerbation of the process. Are allocated to specific antiviral drugs, which are used for special circuits. At the same time apply the ointment antiviral action for the application to affected skin and mucous membranes, and the best result is achieved by using drugs in the first 24 hours of onset.
At the present time to treat herpes and prevention of exacerbations used immunomodulators, which helps the body to produce their own antiviral drug - interferon.
Used and such drug, as viferon, which is produced in the form of rectal suppositories and allows replenish its own interferon expended by the body to fight the virus.
Along with specific antiviral drugs required the appointment of vitamins B and C, antiallergic agents, are sometimes effective to use antiherpetic vaccine. In the period of remission recommended various measures to strengthen the immune system.
So, peace with our pernicious "tenant" is temporarily restored, even more so we can speak about a truce, but now a new problem arose - the woman decided to have a baby. How to behave herpes in this situation, not cause he treacherous blow? Because immunity declines during pregnancy, and where thin, there is breaking. Speaking of which, I recall an incident with a pregnant woman, which was observed in our antenatal clinic.
A pregnant woman is 32 years old, call her Kate, got registered for pregnancy gestation of 10 weeks. Before pregnancy Katya was sick a few times with genital herpes, who was with her in the chronic form of 25 years, but the recent aggravation was 3 years ago and the doctor she no longer appealed. During the examination the patient complained of severe fatigue, weakness, aching pain in the lower abdomen and lower back. Kate has worked in a large private firm, she had to travel a lot, and take sick leave, she flatly refused. Kate received treatment aimed at the continuation of the pregnancy, restorative therapy, her condition improved, but the threat of abortion persisted. Despite our entreaties, Kate continued to work. At 14 weeks gestation was made of fetal ultrasound, which showed no abnormality. Soon after Kate went on a long trip to the Far North. During the trip had several times to change the time zone, in addition, business negotiations were very difficult, important for the fate of Katina company deals hung in the balance, and she had a lot of work to cope with the situation. Nerves have been spent a lot, and Katya felt quite knackered, but still damned cold sores, which "slept" for many years, suddenly "looked up" and blossomed on his lips and nose. When a pregnant woman came to the reception she received treatment, admissible in pregnancy, and the phenomenon of herpes gradually passed. Gestational age was about 20 weeks, but I was worried that her stomach Katya match a period not exceeding 17 weeks and grew very little, moreover, remained stubbornly signs of threatened miscarriage. To clarify the diagnosis Katya was sent for consultation in the Medical Genetics Center, where she was carried ultrasound on the most modern equipment. The result was disappointing: the fruit of a sharp fall behind in weight, in addition, he revealed multiple malformations that are incompatible with life. I had to terminate a pregnancy for medical reasons. At autopsy it was found that the cause of severe injuries of the internal organs of the fetus served as the herpes virus, which infected fetus in utero from mothers at the time of exacerbation.
Was it possible to avoid this tragic outcome? Yes, if Kate complied normal for a pregnant woman mode, do not overdo it, avoiding the stress, then it's likely that the immune system is not given to such a serious setback and would not allow the herpes do their dirty deed. In addition, knowing about the existence of chronic forms of herpes, it would be better before the onset of pregnancy to undergo a course of treatment aimed at improving the immunity.
Fortunately, this story had all the same happy ending. Before the onset of the next pregnancy Katya had a course of therapy and immunomodulatory birth to a healthy daughter. But her husband insisted that being in business were less intense, it is reasonable considering that all the money still does.
Therefore the main task facing the future mother - this is maintaining a high level of immune defense, and it needs to eat well and lead a healthy lifestyle. In the presence of acute manifestations of HSV infection better refrain from pregnancy to the onset of remissions, and a course of immunomodulating therapy, and bracing.
I am sure that many women who read these lines now, thought: "That's because how dreadful! What are we, the poor, do? Quite and private lives have ended, and then such passions narasskazyvali, now a man, and go scary! "
Terms of prevention of genital herpes
Do not despair! In fact, we can always protect themselves against various infectious afflictions. For this you need to follow some quite acceptable, the rules:
• have regular sexual partner;
• in the case where this can not always (!) To use a condom. It is better to use high quality, albeit expensive condoms, such as firm Dyureks "or" Imotek "- remember that the avaricious pays twice;
• Do not hesitate to demand a remedy from a random friend, if he objects to - better give up the dubious pleasure;
• if the random connection held, use an antiseptic for intimate use.
You can also use farmateks - Barrier drug in the form of candles, beads or cream, which, in addition to its contraceptive effect, and has antiseptic properties, it can be effective even against HIV infection.
In general, all the useful advice in this case can be reduced to the long-known phrase: "Beware of random connections!"

Vaginal candidiasis (thrush)

Vaginal candidiasis (thrush)

Candida (candidiasis) - The infection vaginal mucosa, which often extends to the cervix and vulva. This is probably one of the few diseases of female reproductive system, which they know our women, vaginal candidiasis among the people known as "thrush". Disease is caused by yeast-like fungi, most often the genus Candida. These mushrooms can be part of the microbial landscape of the vagina, as in this case, conditionally pathogenic microorganisms, but they may fall into the vagina and from the external environment via infected subjects, from the intestine, as well as during sexual intercourse.
The development of candidiasis vulvovaginitis contribute the same reasons that we have mentioned above, but should once again highlight endocrine disorders, especially diabetes, as well as misuse of antibiotics. With the reduction of protective forces of organism fungi are activated and begin to penetrate into the cells of the vaginal epithelium, causing a reactive inflammatory response and massive desquamation of the affected cells.
In severe immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) possible systemic fungal lesions, but usually the process affects only the superficial layers of the epithelium of vaginal mucosa. It is common genital candidiasis in pregnant women. This is due to changes in hormonal and endocrine status and the weakening of the immune defenses that are typical of pregnancy.
Symptoms of candidiasis: women with candidiasis of the vulva and vagina, mainly complain of itching and whites mixed with caseous-kroshkovidnyh inclusions, hence the name - "thrush". Discharge can be thick, white, yellowish-green, depending on the severity of the process. The smell is usually sour and unpleasant. Itching is causing a lot of worries sick, sometimes leaving them unable to work and shaking the very nervous system, as it practically does not subside, worse at night, and leads to a traumatic vulvar mucosa due to scratching. Some patients note pain with urination, and burning.
To my readers a good idea of what a yeast coleitis, I'll tell you a story, sad and funny at the same time.
My only classmate met a young man who she liked. They started dating and it seems to be going to the wedding. During the summer session girlfriend worked during the day and at night met with his friend, so she had no time to sleep, and the session was heavy. The result against a background of chronic fatigue she had developed a yeast coleitis, all "charm" that poor young lady felt in the form of a wild itching. She had to go into all public toilets to scratch himself. On the way to the theater, which has invited her lover, it went to these institutions 18 times! The guy was a little surprised, but said nothing. While the suffering of poor performance have reached the limit, it whirled, twirled, not looking at the scene, and, finally ran out of the theater, leaving puzzled gentleman. Roman permanently wilted! After treatment, a friend said that the termination of itch has been the most fond memories about this romantic situation.
In chronic forms of candidiasis vaginal itching can be almost the only complaint the patient, sometimes it increases after intercourse, and before menstruation. On examination the patient in the acute phase of disease noteworthy swelling and redness of the vulva and vagina, cracks and abrasions caused by scratching. On the walls of the vagina revealed grayish raids, which are removed with difficulty, leaving behind a bright red, easily bleeding mucosa. Often detachable vagina represented a dense caseous masses of white, sometimes with a greenish tint. In the study of vaginal smear revealed threads of the fungus, called mycelium.
The treatment of vaginal candidiasis is held on the same criteria as other vaginal infections. Appointed antifungals old and new generations. New drugs are represented by such modern facilities as tablets and vaginal suppositories, as well as long-acting drugs, which are appointed by a special schemes.
In mild cases sometimes it is enough only local treatment in the form of vaginal suppositories and creams, after their use pursues eubiotics for the settlement of vaginal lacto-and bifidoflora necessarily the appointment of vitamins.
In more severe cases, systemic candidiasis, apply different treatment regimens in which the antifungal drugs are taken by mouth, as well as locally, we'll use Immunopreparat, eubiotics and vitamins.
In the selection of vitamins should be aware that thrush often affects not only the vulva and vagina, and intestines. So make sure the appointment of B vitamins, which are synthesized in the intestine dysbacteriosis violated. Use these vitamins can be in the form of injections or in pill form, such as a complex of vitamins of group B. It is advisable to use multivitamins containing a full set of vitamins and minerals, such as the "Centrum", "VITRUM", "Multitabs", "Duovit" "Oligovit" and others.
I think it is important to emphasize that the persistent candidiasis of the vulva and vagina are poorly amenable to treatment, often a sign of a serious illness such as diabetes mellitus, so the study of blood sugar during candidiasis necessarily at any age. With respect to antibiotics, then my advice to you: what would you or they were treated with supplements course antifungal drugs as prophylaxis of side effects, as is sometimes why some doctors forget the other professions. Do not hesitate to ask themselves "forgetful" of doctors that suits you as a prophylactic. It is very important. After all, with antibiotic therapy may develop as a complication of not only candidiasis of the vagina, and intestinal candidiasis, which promises the patient a lot of problems.
I also want to once again warn women against unauthorized and inappropriate use of antibiotics. These issues are better dealt with by a qualified physician.

Bacterial vaginosis

One very common types of nonspecific vaginitis is bacterial vaginosis. This term appeared in the foreign medical literature in the mid 80's and virtually replaced the term "nonspecific vaginitis". This disease gives patients a lot of trouble due to the fact that one of its symptoms is the smell of "rotten fish", who literally has the patients.
Once I came to accept a girl of twenty, well dressed, nice, but with a completely hunted expression. "Doctor! - She said to me in a whisper. - I probably should consult a psychiatrist, I feel like me awful smell! It seems to me that even in the transport of me shy people. " In fact, the patient was completely mentally healthy, it does exude fragrance "herring their prime. The reason for this was disease called "bacterial vaginosis".
Almost every fifth patient is suffering from this disease, and among women with abnormal leucorrhoea, the frequency of bacterial vaginosis was 86.6%. Most cases of BV is due to mixed flora. Most often found gardnerellas, bacteroids peptokokki and other anaerobes (organisms whose livelihoods do not require oxygen). There is another name for bacterial vaginosis, namely gardnerellez, but this is an outdated term.
I have already mentioned that in the vagina of healthy women peacefully coexist a variety of microorganisms including anaerobes.
This is due to factors of immune protection, which, as you already know, provide a constant internal environment. One important factor in respect microbial neutrality is a constant level of pH (acidity) of vaginal environment, constituting 3,8-4,3. When destabilize ecosystems (hormonal disorders, antibiotic therapy, immunological changes, stresses, etc.), a sharp decrease in the number of lactobacilli and an increase in pH of vaginal secretion more than 4,5. This creates the conditions for the mass reproduction of these microbes as gardnerellas, bacteroids, and others. Actively multiplying, they, in turn, further inhibit the growth of lactobacilli and thus, the process is growing like a snowball.
Often, the development of dysbiosis is accompanied by vaginal dysbacteriosis intestine, in which case both of these pathological conditions are components of a single disease and require treatment of the organism as a whole.
Symptoms vaginosis: diagnosis sometimes is quite abundant on the patient's complaints or moderate whites with a specific "fish" smell. At the beginning of the disease whites may be liquid and have a grayish color. Later they become more dense and yellowish-greenish color. Patients often note the itching and irritation of the vulva. Characteristic of this form of nonspecific vaginitis is the lack of pronounced signs of inflammation of the mucous membrane of the vagina. The mucosa has a pink hue, edema, no.
The diagnosis is confirmed by the detection in the smear of so-called "core cells", which represent cells in the vaginal epithelium, covered with small amount of germs rodlike shape, and the lack of lactobacilli in the smear. In blood smears of healthy women are the key cells are absent. In the diagnosis of bacterial vaginosis helps measure vaginal pH in patients, this figure ranges from 5 to 7,5. Also available aminotest - when mixed in equal amounts of content of the vagina and 10% potassium hydroxide intensifies the smell of "rotten fish".
What is the emotional state of patients suffering from the disease! Imagine a business lady, who, instead of expensive perfume fragrance exudes a "pleasant" smell of rotten herring. And privacy is unlikely to decorate. Therefore, the appearance of similar complaints contact still a gynecologist.
Treatment of bacterial vaginosis: you must first restore the normal acidity of the vagina and suppress the multiplication of raging anaerobes. For this reason the introduction of the vagina acidic solutions: a weak solution of potassium permanganate, boric or lactic acid. Used drugs destroy anaerobes, in the form of vaginal suppositories and creams.
Sometimes we have to appoint agents for oral administration. Be sure to use eubiotics - lacto-and bifidobakterina and other similar drugs, both for local use and for oral administration. It is also desirable prescriptions, normalizing immunity, since only the restoration of all levels of protection will help a patient recover.
Vaccination. Due to the fact that we live in an aggressive environmental factors, often working "to wear, erratic and inadequate nourishment, insidious bacterial vaginosis can occur again and again, turning life into a continuous problem. It is impossible not to say that the frequent recurrence of bacterial vaginosis promote casual sex without a condom or other barrier contraceptives. In addition to recurrent bacterial vaginosis bracing and immunostimulatory activities can resort to vaccination.
For this purpose the Salk vaccine-Trihovak, which creates a vagina local immunity against the development of bacterial vaginosis.
The vaccine is introduced three times intramuscularly at intervals of 2 weeks. After a year shows a single repeat vaccination. Such a schedule of vaccination to create a robust protection against infection for 2 years. However, it should warn our patients against the use of unauthorized drugs Salco Trihovak, because there are some contraindications: allergic diseases, acute infections, blood diseases, kidney, immune deficiencies, etc.
If you want to properly cure any disease, including bacterial vaginosis, better to turn to a gynecologist, because there is no universal schemes for treatment, each person is unique and should be treated not the disease, and patient!

nonspecific vaginitis (coleitis)

Nonspecific infections can occur as women of childbearing age and in old age. Young women cause of nonspecific vaginitis may be a common infectious disease, endocrine pathology, reduction of ovarian function, as well as the impact of local damaging factors.
In elderly and senile age of vaginal inflammation is a consequence of the loss of one of the major factors of defense - lactic acid from glycogen and thus create an optimal environment for the multiplication of lactic acid bacteria. As you already know, this process is controlled by female sex hormone estrogen, which are produced in the ovaries, which in old age is gradually declining.
Symptoms of vaginitis: patients complain of vaginal discharge, which can be abundant in the case of acute, moderate or poor in sub-acute or chronic disease. Nature of discharge may vary from serous to purulent. Often worried itching. When viewed from the vaginal mucosa bright red, edematous, sometimes the mucous membrane can be seen small hemorrhages, purulent - serous raids. Sometimes the allocation have an unpleasant odor. Such is the picture by looking at the vagina in the case of acute vaginitis.
In subacute and chronic diseases all the symptoms are less pronounced, less coloration of the mucous would be less bright, the allocation will be fewer and fewer have purulent impurity.
Diagnosis of nonspecific vaginitis was based on smear and bacteriological methods of investigation, as follows: microscopy smears from the vagina made on glass and stained with a special way. Normally, the number of leukocytes in the field of view should not exceed 20-25, and at coleitis their number was considerably increased, in addition, the smear may attend different micro flora, different from normal, which is also a diagnostic feature. It is also used bacteriological method in which the material collected during the inspection test, placed on a nutrient medium, which in a few days grows a certain type of parasite.
According to the data assigned medication.
Treatment of vaginitis: generally used broad-spectrum antibiotics, drugs, normalizing the vaginal environment, both local and for internal use, as well as local antibacterials in the form of vaginal suppositories.
Often you can do without prescribing antibiotics, using, for example, methods of treatment of acute nonspecific colpitis proposed VM Lapin and A. Ozols in 1990. This vagina is washed with an aqueous solution of an antiseptic (eg chlorhexidine), which destroys 99% of the vaginal flora. Immediately thereafter, introduced into the vagina swab soaked in a mixture of lactobacilli in 8 - 10 hours. Such treatment of vaginal spend 7 -10 days. Can be used for this purpose with vaginal suppositories bifidobakterinom, atsilakt etc.
Effectively the simultaneous application of biological products inside such as linneks, baktisubtil, bifidobakterin, Bifiform, as well as various biological supplements containing bifidobacteria and laktofloru.
In the case of treatment of senile vaginitis, along with the above, use estrogensoderzhaschie ointment candles.


This is the most common sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).
The causative organism is its vaginal trichomonads - parasitic protozoa that lives in the vagina, urethra, rarely in the cervical canal, the uterus and its appendages. The incubation period of trichomoniasis is from 5 to 15 days, immunity against the disease does not exist.
Lovely woman! Please note: the main route of transmission of trichomoniasis - sex! Vnepolovoy route of infection is possible in extremely rare cases.
Symptoms of trichomoniasis: trihomonadnyh coleitis characterized by abundant foamy corrosive fluids from the genital tract, accompanied by strong itching. They can also mark a burning sensation and pain during urination and a feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen. In the transition of the acute form of the disease into a chronic amount of bleeding is minor, itching subsides, but the symptoms may worsen before menstruation.
Diagnosis of trichomoniasis based on microscopic detection of vaginal trichomonads in fresh smears or after a special color. Keep in mind that the diagnosis of trichomoniasis is not always easy, even in an acute form. Therefore, chronic disease and its transition into a stage carriage diagnosis put even more difficult.
Treatment of trichomoniasis: the importance of early treatment of trichomoniasis and say modern oncology, this is due to the fact that there is a link between long-term carriage of trichomonads and the development of cervical cancer.
The most important principle of treatment of trichomoniasis is involved in the process of both sexual partners simultaneously. Sex life during treatment is prohibited. When identifying the causative agent in only one partner is another preventive treatment. Prescribers, both general and local action. At the same time assign different candles for vaginal application.
It should once again warn patients of the common mistakes: the patient trichomoniasis can be cured one woman, with no partner. This often leads to the fact that treatment must be repeated several times.
The patient average age at the next medical examination revealed Trichomonas vagina. The patient said irritably: "Well, again! How many times can you treat this stuff! For 10 years I fly and still nothing. And they say that medicine has gotten better, that's nonsense! "I asked the woman whether her husband was treated. She replied that he was treated with nothing, as he had an infection in the survey did not find. I was able to explain to the patient that the absence of parasite in blood smears is not to suggest that her husband is healthy, so he needed treatment for trichomoniasis. Fortunately, the husband turned out to be flexible, meekly complied, designated urologist treatment, and after that the problem of trichomoniasis in my patient was solved.
It is important to add to treat drugs affecting immunity, especially in chronic forms of trichomoniasis and carriage, as well as vitamins and drugs, normalizing intestinal and vaginal flora, ie to respect the principles of treatment of inflammatory diseases, of which we spoke earlier.
Vaccination. Let me remind of such a modern method of treatment of trichomonas infection, as the Salk vaccine-Trihovak, which prevents re-infection with trichomonads.
Speaking of trichomoniasis, it is impossible not to mention the fact that infected by this disease, you may have infected and other diseases transmitted through sexual contact. Why should not voluntarily swallow pills, but better to see a doctor - gynecologist or venerologist to exclude other very dangerous diseases. Should be tested for HIV, hepatitis B and C, syphilis and gonorrhea. Not to be unfounded, will give an example from practice.
For us in the consultation asked a girl 17 years old, who was on vacation in the summer of casual unprotected sexual intercourse. After 6 days later she began to complain to the frothy whites and itching. A friend advised the girl to take 3 tablets Trykhopol that she did, then symptomatic inflammation subsided. Seek medical help, she was forced deterioration after being brought ARI. On examination the patient was discovered chronic trichomoniasis, mycoplasmosis, but that the worst - a blood test for HIV returned a positive result.
So I will repeat again that the best way to protect yourself from any (!) Infection, sexually transmitted infections - not to have indiscriminate sex. The most handsome, charming and attractive man may unwittingly, be the bearer of the different sexual transmitted diseases (STDs), and as a result of such contacts your love will not so beautiful as you would like.
You may ask: "What now - no personal life? Or help a new friend request? "As for references, before registration of marriage in many countries the bride and groom pass comprehensive medical examination, but we still do to this" immature ". A personal life does not suffer if the first few months of communication with the intimate relationship you use a condom. But if your friend refuses to safe sex, you should think about whether you need a partner and not whether the price of this love is too high.

drugs for the treatment of bacterial infections " Lakarstvennye drugs

5-nitroimidazole - antimicrobial drugs for the treatment of bacterial and protozoal infections
EN Padeyskaya. Alliance Clinical Chemotherapeutists and microbiologists, Moscow Consilium-Midicum, vol.6, № 1 (2004)

Nimorazol (Nimorazole)
The active substance "Nimorazol"
List of names of drugs with active ingredient "Nimorazol"

Metronidazole (Metronidazole)
Active substance "Metronidazole"
List of names of drugs with the active ingredient "Metronidazole"

Tinidazole (Tinidazole)
Current substance "Tinidazole '
List of names of drugs with active ingredient "Tinidazole"

Ornidazole (Ornidazole)
Active substance "ornidazole"
List of names of drugs with active ingredient "ornidazole"

Seknidazol (Secnidazole)
Active substance "Seknidazol"
List of names of drugs with the active substance "Seknidazol"

Ternidazol (Ternidazole)
Active substance "Ternidazol" - a drug for local use
List of names of drugs with the active ingredient "Ternidazol" ' Lakarstvennye drugs 'Tinidazole (Tinidazole)

Tinidazole (Tinidazole)
Article Categories: Lakarstvennye drugs, 5-nitroimidazole, Tinidazole

Russian name: Tinidazole
Latin name: Tinidazole
Chemical name: 1 - [2 - (Etilsulfonil) ethyl]-2-methyl-5-nitro-1H-imidazole

Gross-formula: C8H13N3O4S
Code CAS: 19387-91-8

Mode of action - protivoprotozoynoe, protivomikrobnoe.Blagodarya highly lipophilic, easily penetrates the trichomonads and anaerobic microorganisms, which restored nitroreduktazoy and destroys bacterial DNA. If ingestion is rapidly absorbed, the percentage of absorption - about 90%. Accumulates in blood, Cmax achieved in 2 hours connection with plasma proteins - 10%. It is easy to penetrate various tissues and body fluids, passes through the BBB. Biotransformation, the major metabolites are pharmacologically active hydroxylated substances (inhibit growth of anaerobic microorganisms, and may exacerbate the effects of tinidazole). Slow extraction (including metabolites) kidneys (intensive reabsorption in the renal tubules). T1 / 2 in adults is 10-14 h.

Has protivoprotozoynoy active against Trichomonas vaginalis, Entamoeba histolytica, as well as about 90% of various types of anaerobic microorganisms (Bact. fragilis, the majority of strains fuzobaktery, peptostreptokokkov, various clostridia). Bact. fragilis makes tinidazole in metabolites, depressants also a number of aerobes, in vitro is not sensitive to the nitroimidazole.

Acute and chronic trichomoniasis, amoebiasis and giardiasis, cutaneous leishmaniasis, anaerobic and mixed infections of different localization (lung abscess, brain, infective endocarditis, etc.).

Hypersensitivity, blood diseases, diseases of the central nervous system in the active phase, pregnancy (I term).

Restrictions on the use
Breastfeeding (should stop breastfeeding), age 12 years (especially in case of violation of the excretory function of kidneys).

Side effects
Dyspeptic disorders (loss of appetite, nausea, sometimes vomiting, diarrhea), transient leucopenia, with prolonged use - dizziness, ataxia, dysarthria, and sometimes convulsions, paresthesia, and in isolated cases - an allergic reaction.

Compatible with sulphonamides and antibiotics (aminoglycosides, erythromycin, rifampicin, cephalosporins); not advisable to appoint a Ethionamide. Phenobarbital accelerates the inactivation in the liver. Enhances the effect of proximity anticoagulants (to reduce the risk of bleeding is recommended to reduce their dose to 50%).

Dosing and Administration
Inside, with trichomoniasis and giardiasis in a single dose - 2 grams during or after meals, with amoebiasis adults - 2 g 1 time per day for 2-3 days. Children - at 0,05-0,06 g / kg 1 time a day for 3 days, with amoebic liver abscess adults - 4,5-10 g for the full course, children - to 0,05 g / kg for 5 days.

It was dark urine. During treatment, prohibited the use of alcoholic beverages in order to avoid the development of intestinal colic, nausea, vomiting.

Trading names of drugs with active ingredient "Tinidazole"

Vero Tinidazole
Tinidazole Acre ®

Other materials on the active substance "Tinidazole"

Seknidazol (Secnidazole)
Article Categories: Lakarstvennye drugs, 5-nitroimidazole, Seknidazol

Russian title: Seknidazol
Latin name: Secnidazole
Chemical Name: alpha ,2-dimethyl-5-nitro-1H-imidazole-1-ethanol

The empirical formula: C7H11N3O3
Code CAS: 3366-95-8

Mode of action - antibacterial, protivoprotozoynoe. Has bactericidal activity against most anaerobic bacteria and many protozoa. Interacts with the DNA of microbial cells, violates its helical structure, is the disruption of filaments and inhibits the synthesis of nucleic acids, inhibits the processes of reduction (very typical for anaerobes).

Once inside a well (80%) absorbed. Cmax is created after 4 hours Biotransformiruetsya in the liver. T1 / 2 - about 20 hours passing through the placental barrier and is secreted in breast milk. We derive a slow, mainly in the urine.

Urethritis and vaginitis caused by Trichomonas vaginalis; amebiasis intestinal and liver, giardiasis.

Hypersensitivity (including to other imidazole derivative), pathological changes of the blood (including history), organic diseases of the central nervous system (active stage), pregnancy, breast-feeding.

Application of pregnancy and breastfeeding
Contraindicated during pregnancy. At the time of treatment should stop breastfeeding.

Side effects
Digestive disorders, nausea, pain in the stomach, metallic taste in the mouth, glossitis, stomatitis, leukopenia, rash, rarely - dizziness, poor coordination of movements, ataxia, paraesthesia, polyneuropathy.

Increases the anticoagulant effect of coumarin derivatives and indandiona. In combination with disulfiram causes paranoid reaction and psychosis, alcohol - symptoms disulfiramopodobnoy reactions (abdominal cramps, nausea, vomiting, headache, rush of blood to the face).

Dosing and Administration
Inside, before eating, drinking a small amount of water or mixed with semisolid food. Urethritis and Vaginitis: 2 g once. Amoebiasis intestinal giardiasis: a single dose, adults - 2 g, children - 30 mg / kg. Amoebiasis of the liver: in 5 days, adults - 1.5 g / day, children - 30 mg / kg / day (single dose or in divided doses).

When hepatic amoebiasis treatment should be combined with the removal of pus from the abscess.

Trading names of drugs with active ingredient Seknidazol


treatment drugs of trichomoniasis

metronidazole (Metronidazole)

Russian Name: Metronidazole
Latin name: Metronidazole
Chemical name: 2-Methyl-5-nitro-1H-imidazole-1-ethanol

Gross-formula: C6H9N3O3
Code CAS: 443-48-1

White or slightly greenish crystalline powder. It is soluble in water and insoluble in alcohol.

Mode of action - antibacterial, protivoprotozoynoe, trihomonatsidnoe, antiulcer, antialcoholic. Nitro group of the molecule, an electron acceptor, embedded in the respiratory chain of the simplest and anaerobes (competes with elektrontransportiruyuschimi proteins - Flavoprotein, etc.) that violate the respiratory processes and causes cell death. In addition, some species of anaerobic bacteria has the ability to suppress the synthesis of the DNA and induce its degradation.

Once inside quickly and completely absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract (bioavailability nearly 100%). Cmax achieved within 1-2 h and from 6 to 40 mg / ml depending on the dose. Protein binding of plasma small - less than 20%. Well into the tissues and body fluids, creating a bactericidal concentration in saliva, semen, vaginal secretions, penetrates the BBB and placental barrier, is secreted in breast milk. Repeated receptions cumulating. Biotransformation in the liver by oxidation of the side chain and conjugation with glucuronic acid with the formation of inactive and active - 2-hydroxymethyl-metabolites. Excreted by the kidneys (60-80% of applied dose) and intestine (6-15%), with about 20% unchanged.

The range comprises of protozoa: Trichomonas vaginalis, Entamoeba histolytica; anaerobic gram-negative microorganisms: bacteroids, including a group of Bacteroides fragilis (B. fragilis, B. caccae, B. uniformis, B. distasonis, B. ovatus, B. thetaiotaomicron, B. vulgatus) ; fuzobakterii Prevotella (P. bivia, P. buccae, P. disiens); anaerobic Gram-positive bacilli: Clostridium, Eubacterium; anaerobic Gram-positive cocci: Peptococcus, Peptostreptococcus; trihomonatsidnoe effect (loss of 99% above the simplest) was observed at concentrations of the drug 2,5 ug / ml for 24 h. For anaerobic microorganisms MPK90 is 8 ug / ml.

Shows activity against Helicobacter pylori.

With the appointment of people suffering from chronic alcoholism, and forms they have an aversion to alcohol (causes antabuspodobny Syndrome).

Amoebiasis, trichomoniasis, giardiaz, lambliasis, intra-abdominal infections (peritonitis, abscess), anaerobic infections of bones and joints and skin and soft tissue, female genital tract (endometritis, ovarial abscess), CNS (meningitis, brain abscess), lower respiratory tract (pneumonia , empyema, lung abscess,), endocarditis, pseudomembranous colitis and eradication of Helicobacter pylori, chronic alcoholism, prevention of postoperative anaerobic infections. For external and topical use: pink and acne vulgaris, bacterial vaginosis, long-term non-healing wounds, trophic ulcers.

Hypersensitivity (incl. other nitroimidazole derivatives), pregnancy, lactation, infancy (excluding cases of amoebiasis).

Restrictions on the use
Diseases of the liver dysfunction (possible cumulation), the central and peripheral nervous system.

Side effects
Nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, unpleasant metallic aftertaste, headache, dizziness, syncopal states, ataxia, impaired consciousness, seizures, neutropenia (leukopenia), erythematous rash, itching, staining of urine a dark color, allergic reactions, thrombophlebitis (when in / implementation).

Enhances the effects of indirect anticoagulants and lithium salts. Phenytoin and phenobarbital reduce the effect (due to the activation of liver microsomal system and accelerate the metabolism and excretion), and cimetidine enhances (inhibits the enzyme systems of liver and, consequently, slow biotransformation). Incompatible with alcohol (by sharing a growing antabuspodobny syndrome).

Symptoms: nausea, vomiting, ataxia, in severe cases - peripheral neuropathy and seizures.

Treatment: symptomatic, there is no specific antidote.

Dosing and Administration
Inside, during or after a meal. Amoebiasis: adults - 600-800 mg 3 times daily for 8-10 days; children - 35-50 ppm / day in 3 divided doses for 8-10 days.

Giardiazis: 15 mg / kg / day in 3 divided doses for 5 days.

Trichomoniasis: adults - by mouth, 400 mg 2 times a day for 5-8 days (if necessary repeat the course in 4-6 weeks) or a single 2.0 g or 250 mg 2 times a day for 10 days, held together treatment of both partners. Children: 2-5 years - 250 mg / day, 5-10 years - 250-375 mg / day, more than 10 years - 500 mg / day by mouth, while the daily dose is divided into 3.

Giardiasis: Adults - at 400 mg 3 times daily for 5 days or 250 mg 2 times a day for 10 days; children: 2.5 years - 250 mg / day, 5-10 years - 250-375 mg / day, over 10 years - 500 mg / day orally, in 3 divided doses. After completion of treatment in 2-3 months is control study on the completeness of healing.

Eradication of Helicobacter pylori: 500 mg 3 times daily for 7 days, always in combination with other drugs.

Anaerobic infection: adults - 400 mg 3 times daily for 7-10 days, children under 12 years - 7.5 mg / kg 3 times a day.

In severe cases, medication given by injection (IV drip) adult 500 mg in 100 ml of solvent, the children - at the rate of 7.5 mg / kg in the same amount of solvent. Infusion carried out at a rate of 5 ml / min at intervals of 8 h.

To prevent the development of postoperative anaerobic infections: a 1-second day after surgery - 1 g of the drug once, later on 200 mg 3 times daily for 7 days.

Chronic alcoholism: inside, at 0,5 g / d for 6 (not more) months.

Vaginal: 500 mg at night for 10 days.

Externally: apply two times a day, the dose is determined individually.

Trading names of drugs with active ingredient

Metrovagin ®
Metrogil ®
Metronidazole / v Brown
Metronidazole Nycomed
Metronidazole gemisuktsinat
Metronidazole gemisuktsinat injection
Metronidazole tablets
Trichomes-PIN ®
Trihobrol ®
Trykhopol ®
Flags ®

Other materials on the active substance "Metronidazole"

treatment drugs of trichomoniasis

Nimorazol (Nimorazole)

Russian title: Nimorazol
Latin name: Nimorazole
Chemical name: 4 - [2 - (5-Nitro-1H-imidazol-1-yl) ethyl] morpholine

Gross-formula: C9H14N4O3
Code CAS: 6506-37-2

Pharmacological action

Protivoprotozoynoe means derivative 5-nitroimidazole. Mechanism of action related to DNA damage sensitive organisms.
Nimorazol active against Trichomonas vaginalis, Giardia lamblia, Entamoeba histolytica, anaerobic gram of bacteria, including Bacteroides fragilis.


Trichomoniasis, vaginitis caused by Gardnerella vaginalis, giardiasis, amebiasis, acute ulcerative necrotizing gingivitis.

Once inside quickly and completely absorbed. Receiving 1500 mg (500 mg every 12 h) creates a 3 h the concentration in the blood, exceeding the minimum trihomonatsidnuyu (0,3-3 mg / ml) more than 5 times (16 mg / ml) after 25 hours - more than 9 times (28 mg / ml) and 12 h after the last intake - more than 2.5 times (7.5 mg / ml). Well into the different organs and tissues, biological fluids (including vaginal secretions and urine). Biotransformation in the liver with the formation of active metabolites. Excreted by the kidneys mainly as unchanged, and in the form of active metabolites.

Hypersensitivity diseases, central nervous system and peripheral nerves, disruption of the liver and kidneys, pregnancy, lactation, children's age (no information on the use of the drug in children).

Application of pregnancy and breastfeeding
Contraindicated during pregnancy. At the time of treatment should stop breastfeeding.

Side effects
Dizziness, drowsiness, polyneuropathy, paresthesia, worsening mental illness, dyspepsia (nausea, vomiting, heartburn, pain in the epigastric region), abnormal liver function, allergic reactions (skin rash, itching).

The likelihood of adverse reactions increases alcohol.

Dosing and Administration
They carry out simultaneous treatment of sexual partners. Dose for adults - 500 mg 2 times a day for 6 days or 2 g of 1 times a day for 1-2 days. After completing the course in the bacteriological recovery is possible to preserve clinical symptoms within a few days.

Precautionary measures
During the treatment is not recommended to drink alcoholic beverages.

Trading names of drugs with active ingredient Nimorazol

Table. 500 mg vials. dark. glass. 6 Pace. cardboard. 1; № 011956/01, 18.11.2005 from Pharmacia Italia (Italy); post.: Pfizer (USA); code EAN: 4601955000204

Combination therapy of urogenital trichomoniasis using solkotrihovaka in women with habitual fetal loss

RBM. Med. CHASOPIS, 5 (61) - IX / X 2007

LI Padalko SG Bondarenko, AD Popov GF Boyko
City Maternity Hospital № 2, Center for Family Planning and Human Reproduction, Dnepropetrovsk

Summary. In the genesis of spontaneous abortions, premature births and fetal pathologies leading role played by inflammation of the genitourinary system, women, caused by pathogenic and opportunistic bacterial and viral associations, Trichomonas vaginalis revealed by this pathology in 40-65% of women. They perform reservoir and transport function for drugihmikroorganizmov, preventing the action of antibiotics and contributing to rising infection of the genitourinary system. Therefore, their detection and eradication are the key to successful treatment of other sexually transmitted infections. In order to increase the effectiveness of treatment of urogenital trichomoniasis and getting rid of opportunistic microorganisms in the scheme of treatment of trichomoniasis should include Solkotrihovak. The article is the experience of special moves for pregnancy loss for the year 2006 Chronic trichomoniasis was detected in 64 out of 134obsledovannyh patients, all were treated with optimal use of drugs and antitrihomonadnyh Solkotrihovaka. Efficacy of treatment was 90%.

Keywords: miscarriage, urogenital trichomoniasis, infection, sexually transmitted protivotrihomonadnye drugs Solkotrihovak.


Miscarriage stable at approximately 20% of all pregnancies. According to leading experts in this field, there is no miscarriage of noninfectious origin, despite the poly etiology of each case of premature termination of pregnancy (Ministry of Health of Ukraine, 2003). Besides miscarriage, infection of feto-placental complex in the first trimester of pregnancy can lead to congenital malformations in the fetus, and later - to violations of hemostasis, causing a delay of intrauterine growth retardation, its perinatal hypoxic-injury, premature detachment of normally situated placenta, causes the development of preeclampsia and eclampsia, postpartum complications (Moors G.I. that spivavt., 2004).

In the complex of rehabilitation measures before a planned pregnancy, and even more so in the case of the burdened history a priority is a survey of spouses to infection, sexually transmitted infections, followed by treatment of both partners in accordance with the results of the survey (Ministry of Health of Ukraine, 2003, 2004).

Urogenital trichomoniasis (OGC) - the most common disease transmitted through sexual contact. Every year in the world recorded more than 200 million cases of infection. The incidence in the general population of women is 5-10% in pregnant women - 14%, inflammation of genitals and miscarriage - 40-65% (Moors G.I. spivavt that., 2004). Furthermore, Trichomonas vaginalis detect with human papillomavirus (Human papillomavirus) in 40-60% of cases of intraepithelial neoplasia and cervical cancer, 15% - when tsistopielonefritah facilitating the formation of endometrial hyperplastic processes (including adenomatosis), uterine leiomyoma, activating herpes infection. Babies born from mothers with trichomoniasis, in 12-18% of cases developed early postnatal pneumonia, and in 5-7% - cystitis (Butcombe EA, Ryumin DV, 2002).

The incubation period of urogenital trichomoniasis with an average of 10 days, at times ranging from 2 - 3 days to 1 month. In 10-20% of urogenital trichomoniasis occurs in the form of asymptomatic bacteria in 40-50% - as the primary-chronic process with minimal clinical manifestations, which is the cause of late referral to a doctor. Often acute trichomoniasis patients treated independently of inadequate volume, leading to chronic process. In view of the transport function of Trichomonas vaginalis to other sexually transmitted infections (STIs), chronic ATM leads to the formation of structural and functional abnormalities in the cervix, the uterus, fallopian tubes, which could then lead to miscarriage and infertility. Chronization trichomoniasis increases the resistance of trichomonads to protistotsidnym drugs.


In 2006, the Center for Family Planning and Human Reproduction surveyed 134 married couples with habitual fetal loss in history.

Survey of patients of the Center of family planning was presented to smear studies urogenital swabs with the color of methylene blue and Gram, crops on the microflora with the definition of sensitivity to antibiotics, sowing for gonorrhea. To detect Trichomonas vaginalis, Chlamydia trachomatis, Mycoplasma hominis, Ureaplasma urealyticum, Herpes simplex virus, Cytomegalovirus and Neisseria gonorrhoeae using immunofluorescent method of diagnosis, as well as for ELISA detection of antibodies in the blood. Microscopy of smears on the flora reveals only typical forms of Trichomonas vaginalis; in cases of atypical, modified forms or gardnerelleze reliability of the method is significantly reduced. This method has the lowest sensitivity. Immunofluorencent swabs using monoclonal antibodies to Trichomonas vaginalis is a highly sensitive and specific (Romankova O.I., celebrity, VG, 2004). Serological tests identify antibodies to Trichomonas vaginalis are not sufficiently informative due to the weak immunogenicity of Trichomonas and can be used as additional (Romashchenko OV Rudenko, AV, 2003, the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, 2004).


Chlamydia trachomatis detected in 47 (35%) women, Mycoplasma hominis - in 29 (20%), opportunistic flora - in 83 (62%). Trichomonas vaginalis as a component of mixed infections were detected in 64 (48%) women and in 24 (18%) men. According to the literature identifying trichomonads in the ratio of 4:1 in women and men explain features of course trichomoniasis in males (Moors G. I. that spivavt., 2004). According to history in 34 patients with diagnosed trichomoniasis already were treated to terminate the pregnancy, 16 of them more than once. In 20 women conducted therapy drugs imidazolovogo number of post-abortion period. The high frequency of recurrences of urogenital trichomoniasis in this group of patients is associated with rising resistance to all drugs trichomonads imidazolovogo series (from 80% to metronidazole is 20-30% for ornidazole) (Zakharkin YF, et al., 2004) and inadequate dosing, inferior treatment of sexual partner (30% of cases the husband is treated under the scheme wife appointed gynecologist). None of the patients in the treatment scheme in the previous course was not included regulated by the Order № 582 Solkotrihovak (Ministry of Health of Ukraine, 2003), which increases the sensitivity of Trichomonas to protistotsidnym drugs normalizes vaginal biocenosis significantly reduced the incidence of recurrence of trichomoniasis.

When treating all 64 patients due to chronic process administered Solkotrihovak company ("Valeant Pharmaceuticals Switzerland", Switzerland) intramuscularly at a dose of 0.5 ml (1 vial) for 1 week prior to the appointment imidazolovyh drugs, then 2 more times at intervals of 2 weeks. Revaccination with the introduction of 1 mg was planned 1 year after treatment (Ministry of Health of Ukraine, 2003; Moors GI, et al., 2002, 2004).

Before appointment imidazole conducted biochemical research on liver blood center. In its normal parameters, and in the absence of a history of treatment with metronidazole used metronidazole 0.5 g per os 2-3 times a day (depending on body weight) for 10 days. In acute inflammation in the genitourinary system used metronidazole 0.5% 100.0 ml 2-3 times a day intravenously for 5 days, then metronidazole 0.5 g 2-3 times a day, 5 days. In these cases, vaccination Solkotrihovakom started 2 days after starting treatment imidasoles. If you are using a previous course of treatment of metronidazole or liver pathology used ornidazole 0.5 g of 2 - 3 times per day for 10 days. In any treatment plan also received hepatoprotectors, eubiotics, conducted topical treatment. After receiving imidazole appointed adaptogens, vitamins, antifungal drugs (Ukrainian Ministry of Health, 2003; Moors G.I. that spivavt. 2004; Solsky SY spivavt that., 2006). For negative controls were carried out further examination for STIs (indication) to further treat diagnosed infections, as trichomoniasis as monoifektsii was not identified in any of the cases. When identifying viral infection (Herpes simplex virus, Cytomegalovirus) were carried out according to immunological immunocorrection.

Spouses of patients treated by a dermatologist or andrologist (sexopathologist). In the case of negative results of the survey to her husband were treated as a contact to trichomoniasis (Moors G.I. that spivavt., 2004; Ministry of Health of Ukraine, 2004).

Before treatment with each pair conducted health education talk on the use of barrier contraceptive methods, good personal hygiene and the need for examination of other family members because of the possibility of household transmission of urogenital trichomoniasis.

Control cured performed after 10-14 days, repeat the test samples were carried out after 1 and 3 months (Ukrainian Ministry of Health, 2004). At the first follow-up examination trichomonads have been identified in 60 patients (93%) at 2-3, in 58 (90%). According to the literature izlechivaemost when applying metronidazole only 20-40%, Ornidazole - 60-75% (Dyudyun AD, et al., 2005).


Thus, the use Solkotrihovaka the treatment of chronic urogenital trichomoniasis significantly improves the effectiveness of treatment and increases the chances of rehabilitation fertility by optimizing the health of women in many ways.


1. Butcombe EA, Ryumin DV (2002) urogenital trichomoniasis. Attending Physician, 2: 64-70.
2. Dyudyun AD, Polion NN, Yuschishin NI, Polion JN, Dyudyun SD (2005) Rational approaches to the treatment of urogenital trichomoniasis. Women's reproductive health, 3: 11-12.
3. Zakharkin YF, Nikitin AF, Belugina EE, Streltsov, KG (2,004) Sensitivity of different strains T. vaginalis to protivoprotozoynym drugs used to treat inflammatory diseases of the urogenital tract. Venereology, 11: 30-32 (see also
4. Moors GI, Kletina AG, Nagorno-AE (In 2002) Treatment of patients with trichomoniasis imidazole group of drugs in high doses and lyophilisates "Solkotrihovak. Dermatologiya that kosmetologiya, 1: 53-54.
5. Moors, GI, ranks GP, Nikitenko IN (2004) Treatment of resistant forms of trichomoniasis high doses Tiburan in combination with the vaccine and Solkotrihovak tsinkteralom. Dermatologiya that kosmetologiya, 2: 1-5.
6. Moors G.I., Stepanenko V.I., Chinov GP, Nikitenko I.M., Romankova O.I. (2004) Urogenitalny trihomoniaz. Metodichni rekomendatsii. Kyiv, 19 pp.
7. Ministry of Health of Ukraine (2003) Nakae vid 15.12.2003 p. № 582 "About zatverdzhennya klinichnih protokoliv r akusherskoi that ginekologichnoi dopomogi.
8. Ministry of Health of Ukraine (2004) Nakae vid 07.06.2004 № 286 "About udoskonalennya dermatovenerologichnoi dopomogi population of Ukraine.
9. Romankova O.I., celebrity VG (2004) Kombinovana terapiya sechostatevogo trihomoniazu have zhinok. Ukrainian Journal dermatologii, venerologii, kosmetologii, 1: 35-36.
10. Romashchenko OV Rudenko, AV (2003) Suchasni pihodi to diagnostiki that likuvannya urogenitalnogo trihomoniazu. Pediatriya, obstetrics is the ginekologiya, 5: 86-90.
11. Solsky SY, Gnatko OP, Curly AG (2006) Suchasni pihodi up likuvannya urogenitalnogo trihomoniazu. Zhinochy likar, 1: 22-24.

Question and answer trichomonas

It appears that this section contains answers to frequently asked questions related to trichomoniasis, a sexually transmitted infection caused by the parasite Trichomonas vaginalis. Some of the key points covered in the section are as follows: 1. Trichomoniasis can manifest symptoms within a few days after infection, but it can also be asymptomatic or have minor symptoms. 2. Trichomoniasis can be transmitted from mother to child during childbirth but tends to cure itself in newborns. 3. Good personal hygiene is essential to prevent transmission of trichomoniasis at home. 4. Both partners should be tested and treated for trichomoniasis if one partner is found to have trichomonads. 5. Trichomoniasis can recur, and immunity does not protect against reinfection. 6. Trichomoniasis can lead to various complications in men and women, including inflammatory diseases, infertility, and an increased risk of HIV transmission. 7. Condoms can reduce the risk of trichomoniasis and other sexually transmitted infections. 8. Trichomoniasis can be detected through various diagnostic methods, including PCR for DNA material of trichomonads. 9. Treatment of trichomoniasis involves drugs from the group of 5-nitroimidazole, such as metronidazole, tinidazole, and ornidazole. 10. Trichomoniasis increases the risk of cervical cancer, but its primary cause is oncogenic strains of human papillomavirus (HPV). 11. Reinfection and non-adherence to treatment regimens can contribute to treatment failure. 12. Treatment is usually effective, and most patients are cured after the first course of treatment.

Failure in the treatment of trichomoniasis

In some patients, Trichomonas detected after the treatment. What patients are associated with resistance to treatment trichomonas and inefficient products from a group of 5-nitroimidazole, but the reasons for the failure of therapy is usually more.

The most likely cause reinfection from sexual partners, so treatment is necessary for all partners of the patient, even those whose tests showed no presence of trichomonas. For the same reason, when treating trichomoniasis is better to avoid sex. There are a number of practical difficulties - not all people reported a partner about a history of STIs. And not every "healthy" person can be forced to take pills.

The second most important cause of treatment failure - not compliance and dosing regimen of drugs prescribed by your doctor.

For the successful treatment of trichomoniasis in women is important to normalize vaginal microflora. Because it is normal microflora prevents the development of Trichomonas. Normalization of the microflora may contribute to the use of vaccine Solkotrihovak.

Possible failure of therapy due to resistance of Trichomonas to drugs. But the more common partial resistance when increasing the dose and / or duration of therapy leads to recovery. Trichomonads resistant to one drug from the group of 5-nitroimidazole may be sensitive to another. Therefore, a change of drugs may also lead to getting rid of trichomoniasis.

It may meet the total resistance to all 5-nitroimidazole, this situation is rare, although these patients are the worst treatable. It is important for them to create new medicines and approaches to therapy of trichomoniasis. To avoid development of resistance of Trichomonas need to take drugs strictly according to instructions of your doctor.

treatment of trichomoniasis

Before starting the treatment of trichomoniasis is important to understand the following points, without which treatment, even with modern drugs would be ineffective.

1. Treatment should be under any form of trichomoniasis, regardless of the presence of clinical symptoms.

2. Like any other sexually transmitted infections, trichomoniasis is a disease, at least two. Accordingly, survey and should be treated, and sexual partners. Otherwise, treatment will be ineffective (to be re-contaminated after treatment). Moreover, treatment of sexual partners can be recommended and when trichomonads they are not detected.

3. Immunity is not stable, so it is possible reinfestation after cure. If you hurt trichomoniasis and cured, then the second infected become ill again.

4. Trichomoniasis is often combined with other sexually transmitted infections, which also require treatment.

5. High adherence, adherence of drugs - a key factor in the successful treatment of trichomoniasis.

6. Never take pills without a prescription, do not follow the advice of friends, incorrect treatment is often worse than his absence.

7. All drugs used to treat trichomoniasis (except Ornidazole), alter utilization of alcohol in the body. They act as drug for treatment of alcoholism disulfiram (antabus, Teturi, esperal). What leads to the development antabuspodobnogo syndrome in combination with alcohol. Therefore consume alcohol (even in low doses), in the treatment of trichomoniasis is strictly prohibited.

8. All the drugs used to treat trichomoniasis, may adversely affect the fetus, so pregnant women should undergo treatment for the intended purpose only and under medical supervision.

What is trichomoniasis treated?

Trichomonas is not a bacterium, a protozoan. Therefore, the majority of antibiotics on Trichomonas does not apply. The basis of treatment - drugs of 5-nitroimidazole (this group is widely known metronidazole). In addition to metronidazole, there are more modern and effective drugs in this group (tinidazole, ornidazole, seknidazol, nimorazol, ternidazol). ornidazole has no effect on the exchange of alcohol and can be used to treat patients who can not give up alcohol during treatment. Cure of trichomoniasis may only pill inside. Only topical treatment with different ointments and suppositories hardly effective.

Diagnosis of trichomoniasis

Trichomoniasis different variety of forms: from no symptoms to express symptoms. Trichomoniasis can be suspected on the basis of complaint, but an accurate diagnosis needs a medical examination and laboratory detection of Trichomonas in the material obtained from the patient.

Seen from the vagina (colposcopy) may be found redness of vaginal walls, and small hemorrhages on the cervix (a symptom of a strawberry / strawberry cervix or macular coleitis). Symptom strawberry cervix is characteristic for trichomoniasis, but it is found only a few percent of patients.

The main role in the diagnosis of trichomoniasis are laboratory methods for detection of Trichomonas in the material obtained from the patient.
To study in women taking material from the vagina, urethra, rectum. In men taking swabs from the urethra, informative study of urine supernatant.

There are several methods for detection of Trichomonas:
1. Microscopy of native preparations (smears from the patient immediately examined under a microscope, the sensitivity does not exceed 60%)
Microscopy of stained preparations (specimens were stained and examined under a microscope)
2. The culture method (the method is accurate, but requires a lot of time)
3. Immunological methods (the most important method for diagnosis using the labeled antibody to trichomonads)
4. PCR (sensitive and rapid method can detect the DNA of Trichomonas when other methods of diagnosis showed a negative result)

Each method has its advantages and disadvantages. The important thing is that no one method is not 100% guarantee detection of Trichomonas. Thus, if there are symptoms of trichomoniasis and Trichomonas are not found, it does not mean that trichomonads do not (they could simply not be found), in such cases must be repeated examinations by different methods.

Men trichomonads harder to detect than in women.

A week before the study should stop using protivotrihomonadnyh drugs before biopsy can not perform syringing.


Often infection occurs without trichomonads development of clinical symptoms. That is, Trichomonas is, but no manifestations of trichomoniasis no. This condition is called trihomonadonositelstvom. Trihomonadonositeli play a crucial role in the spread of trichomoniasis. Lack of exercise does not allow time to diagnose and get treatment.

But if there are no symptoms, then why treat?

First, trihomonadonositeli are the source of infection for their sexual partners, and the treatment necessary for their protection.

Secondly, over time, can appear symptoms of trichomoniasis, ie carrier returns to the disease.

Thirdly, the fact trihomonadonositelstva increases the risk of HIV infection.

There are other serious problems associated with trichomoniasis (see the complications of trichomoniasis).

Therefore, asymptomatic forms of trichomoniasis should be treated and women and men.

Set trihomonadonositelstvo can only be according to laboratory research.

Who should be screened for trichomoniasis, even in the absence of symptoms?
1. Sexual partners of patients and trihomonadonositeley.
2. Women planning a pregnancy.
3. All people living sexual life.

Impact of trichomoniasis on pregnancy

Most infections are sexually transmitted, adversely affect the pregnancy. Trichomoniasis is no different.

It is important that trichomoniasis:
1. Widely distributed.
2. The flow of trichomoniasis may be asymptomatic or malosimptomno that does not always allow diagnosis prior to pregnancy.
How does trichomoniasis affect a pregnancy?

Numerous studies confirm that trichomoniasis increases the risk of preterm birth and low birth weight babies. Moreover, some studies have shown that women infected with trichomonads increases the risk of stillbirth.

This ability to treat pregnant women against trichomoniasis limited to the possible adverse effect of drugs on the fetus. Assign treatment could not before a second trimester pregnancy. Treatment of trichomoniasis during pregnancy, with no symptoms, may be waived. In any case, the question to treat or not treat trichomoniasis during pregnancy should be addressed to the gynecologist. And in any case not take the pills themselves or on the advice of friends.

Transmission of Trichomonas newborn is possible, but is rare (5%). Babies trichomoniasis occurs fairly easily (because of peculiarities of the epithelium of reproductive tract) and tends to cure itself.

That said - every woman planning a pregnancy should be tested for trichomoniasis (as well as other sexually transmitted diseases).

If trichomonads revealed, it must undergo a course of treatment. It was only after the treatment, embarking on conceiving a child.

What is dangerous in trichomoniasis

Despite the widespread problems of Trichomonas infection neglected. Most people do not understand the importance of timely diagnosis and treatment of trichomoniasis. But, despite the apparent harmlessness, the complications of trichomoniasis, can be quite serious.

What is dangerous trichomoniasis for women:
1. Chronic inflammation caused by Trichomonas infection can cause tubal infertility in women.
2. Trichomoniasis can affect the pregnancy. Proved that trichomoniasis increases the risk of preterm birth and low birth weight infants.
3. Damage trichomonads epithelium of genital tract significantly increases the risk of transmission of other infections. Including HIV and genital herpes. If trichomoniasis increases the risk of a transfer (ie contact with a person infected with HIV and trichomonads, is far more dangerous in terms of HIV infection) and acquisition of HIV infection (the presence of Trichomonas makes a person more susceptible to HIV infection).
4. Trichomoniasis increases the risk of developing cervical cancer. The risk of developing cancer of the cervix above 2 times, even in the absence of human papillomaviruses.
5. Trichomoniasis facilitates the spread of bacteria on sexual ways, Trichomonas play the role of transport. Therefore, in trichomoniasis is common pelvic inflammation. That in turn can lead to infertility.

In men, trichomoniasis is often asymptomatic, but they may have unpleasant consequences:

1. Trichomoniasis can contribute to the development of male infertility, reducing the mobility and viability of spermatozoa.
2. Trichomoniasis increases the risk, as the transmitting and acquiring HIV.
3. Trichomoniasis can cause chronic prostatitis.
4. Trichomonas is a common cause of urethritis in men.
Early treatment of trichomoniasis can save the patient from these unpleasant consequences.

Symptom strawberry cervix

Women patients with trichomoniasis can be determined by symptom strawberry cervix. It can be seen with colposcopy (examination of the vagina and the vaginal part of uterine cervix using a special device - a colposcope). The cervix can be seen petechial hemorrhages, which makes her look like a strawberry. Symptom strawberry cervix says development trichomonas ekzotservitsita. This symptom (on different data) is detected only in 2-10% of patients. The presence of symptoms strawberry cervix is almost always a sign of trichomoniasis. But the absence of this symptom does not mean that there trichomoniasis.

main symptoms of trichomoniasis in women

Clinical manifestations of trichomoniasis are different in men and women.

The main symptoms of trichomoniasis in women:

1. Vaginal discharge yellow, green or gray, that part of the foaming, heavy with the odor. The number and nature of the discharge varies depending on the severity of the process. In chronic trichomoniasis may be a small amount of mucous secretion.
2. Itching in the genital area.
3. Discomfort and pain during sex.
4. Discomfort when urinating.
5. Redness of the vagina and vulva
6. Symptom strawberry cervical
7. Sometimes trichomoniasis may be abdominal pain.

Symptoms of trichomoniasis in men:

Most men are asymptomatic trichomoniasis (trihomonadonositelstvo). In some of the men developed trihomonadnyh urethritis. He is showing pain and burning sensation when urinating, can be unpleasant sensation after intercourse, discharge from the urethra. Trichomonas infections may be the cause of chronic prostatitis.

If any of these symptoms should be screened for sexually transmitted infections, including those for trichomoniasis.


Most of trichomoniasis occurs as a chronic disease with symptoms of pale or even their absence. But trichomoniasis may leak and acute complaints and clinical symptoms.

The flow of trichomoniasis is different for men and women. Men trichomoniasis usually takes the form trihomonadonositelstva, or as trichomonas urethritis. Although Trichomonas can attack prostate and testicular appendage, causing prostatitis and epididymitis.

For women, trichomoniasis are more likely than men, occurs with severe symptoms. According to severity of symptoms and duration of disease distinguish the following options for trichomoniasis:

If the duration of the disease up to 2 months - fresh trichomoniasis. Symptoms usually appear 3-7 days after infection.

Depending on the severity of inflammation secrete acute, subacute or torpid during the fresh trichomoniasis. Trichomoniasis is characterized by an acute course with abundant, often foamy secretion, discomfort during urination and sex. Seen signs of inflammation - hyperemia of the vagina and vulva, washing be a symptom of strawberry cervix. Symptoms worsen before menstruation. Over time, symptoms may abate, but this does not mean that it is now recovering. Fresh trichomoniasis, if untreated, becomes chronic or trihomonadonositelstvo.

Chronic trichomoniasis - the disease duration more than 2 months (or unknown), the symptoms are not pronounced. A special feature of chronic trichomoniasis are expressed infringements of vaginal microflora that require correction.

Separately identifiable trihomonadonositelstvo - Trichomonas determined by laboratory methods of diagnosis, but no manifestations of the disease.

This division is conditional, as is not always possible to establish prescription infection. Against the background trihomonadonositelstva may develop aggravation. A fresh trichomoniasis almost always becomes chronic or trihomonadonositelstvo.

Exacerbation of trichomoniasis helps change the acidity of the vagina before menstruation, abortion, hypothermia.

How is trichomoniasis

How is trichomoniasis

Trichomoniasis is a sexually transmitted infection. The source of infection is a sick person or trihomonadonositel.

Trichomonads found in semen and the vaginal secretions. Accordingly, the main route of transmission of trichomoniasis - sex. Transmission occurs from male to female and from women to men. At the same time women are more susceptible to trichomoniasis. Possible transmission and from woman to woman, for example, through sex toys.

The incubation period of trichomoniasis may vary from 2 days to 2 month, averaging about 10 days.

Patients are often concerned about - perhaps a trichomoniasis infection in the home.

Transmission through household objects (towels, bathing, personal hygiene) is theoretically possible, as trichomonads can survive in a moist environment for several hours. But in reality, this mode of transmission of trichomoniasis implemented rarely. And is only for gross violations of the rules of personal hygiene.

Many people trichomoniasis occurs without symptoms (trihomonadonositelstvo). Apparently healthy person can be the source of infection. This trihomonadonositeli are major contributors to the spread of infection.

Prevention of trichomoniasis - the same as for all STIs.

1. Permanent sexual partner and lack of random connections. Partner must necessarily tested for trichomoniasis. Since the absence of symptoms does not indicate a lack of Trichomonas.

2. The use of condoms. The more that condoms protect and the more dangerous infections than trichomoniasis. Other tools, including vaginal tablets do not protect against trichomoniasis.

3. Immunity is not stable and does not provide protection from reinfection, so ill trichomoniasis can be many times for life. Therefore, precautions must be taken always, especially with casual sexual relations.

4. Compliance with the rules of personal hygiene - do not use other people's bathing suits and towels.

5. Regular check-up (and if necessary treatment) will protect you and your loved ones.

Preventive vaccines against trichomoniasis no. Vaccine SolkoTrihovak used for treatment but not prevention of trichomoniasis. Therefore, the only effective protection against trichomoniasis - a safe behavior.

Urogenital trichomoniasis

Name of urogenital trichomoniasis suggest, that in this disease affects mainly the urinary tract and genitals.

Indeed trichomoniasis other sites practically does not occur. (Describes a single case of pneumonia caused by Trichomonas vaginalis in a patient with immunodeficiency). Vaginal Trichomonas can live only in the urogenital tract. (In the mouth and intestines may inhabit other trichomonads, whose role in human pathology is not found out until the end).

In women with urogenital trichomoniasis affects the vagina, cancer vestibule, vaginal portion of the cervix, urethra. Mobile Trichomonas sometimes penetrate through the cervical canal into the uterus. At the same time they are entered into the uterus and fallopian tubes of pathogenic bacteria, provoking an inflammation of pelvic organs.

In men with urogenital trichomoniasis most often affects the urethra. Many cases of non-gonococcal urethritis in men associated with Trichomonas.

Non-gonococcal urethritis and chlamydia cause and Ureaplasma. In the pathologic process may involve an appendage of the testis and prostate. Trichomonas can be one of the reasons prostatitis and epididymitis (inflammation of the epididymis).

Learn about trichomonas

Trichomoniasis is the most common sexually transmitted infections.
Site devoted to the problems of trichomoniasis, placed information here is intended for a wide range of people.
About trichomoniasis - general information designed for non-specialists.
About trichomoniasis for professionals - information for physicians and other professionals dealing with trichomoniasis (articles, manuals, description of products and research results related to trichomoniasis).

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  Trichomoniasis is a common sexually transmitted infection (STI) caused by a protozoan parasite called Trichomonas vaginalis. It primarily ...